
Wordpress plugin for Real Estate. If you would like to adjust this plugin to use it in your project, do not hesitate to contact me!

Primary LanguagePHP

WordPress Plugin for Real Estate Management

This WordPress plugin allows you to turn your site into a real estate management system, perfect for real estate agencies and agents.


  • Property Management: Easily manage your properties from the WordPress admin panel. The Inmuebles custom post type (CPT) registers properties with numerous custom fields.
  • Demand Management: Register user demands for buying or selling properties using the Demandas CPT to handle these requests.
  • Owner Management: Register property owners using the Propietarios CPT.
  • Appointment Management: Manage appointments through Citas CPT related to Demandas and Inmuebles. They are recorded in the system, and email notifications are sent to administrators and users with Demandas.
  • Query Management: Record queries submitted through frontend forms using a shortcode. Depending on where they are created, a demand type will be created accordingly. It's also possible to create a Demandas from a query. Queries are protected by Google reCAPTCHA to prevent spam, and the Google reCAPTCHA API key can be configured from the plugin's options.
  • Google Maps Integration: Easily configure property maps from a plugin configuration page.
  • Custom Shortcodes:
    • Contact Forms: Several contact form options are available.
    • Latest Properties: Displays the latest properties created in the system. This shortcode can be inserted on a WordPress page or post.


  1. Download the ZIP file from this repository.
  2. In your WordPress admin panel, navigate to "Plugins" > "Add New".
  3. Click on "Upload Plugin" and select the ZIP file you downloaded.
  4. Activate the plugin.


Once activated, you can access the plugin's features from the WordPress admin menu:

  • Inmuebles: Add, edit, and delete properties from "Inmuebles" in the admin menu.
  • Demandas: Manage property demands from "Demands" in the admin menu.
  • Propietarios: Administer property owners from "Propietarios" in the admin menu.
  • Citas: Manage appointments related to "Demandas" and "Inmuebles" from "Citas" in the admin menu.
  • Queries: View and manage queries submitted by users from "Queries" in the admin menu.


This plugin is recommended for use with the "Inmuebles Theme," a custom WordPress theme developed by me. You can find the theme repository at this link.


Contributions are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements, encounter issues, or simply want to collaborate, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


If you need assistance or have any questions, please open an issue in this repository, and we'll be happy to help.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.