
Sugar for $c->uri_for

Primary LanguagePerl


Catalyst::Plugin::URI - Yet another sugar plugin for $c->uri_for


Use the plugin in your application class:

package MyApp;
use Catalyst 'URI';


Then you can use it in your controllers:

package MyApp::Controller::Example;

use base 'Catalyst::Controller';

sub make_a_url :Local {
  my ($self, $c) = @_;
  my $url = $c->uri("$controller.$action", \@args, \%query, \$fragment);

This is just a shortcut with stronger error messages for:

sub make_a_url :Local {
  my ($self, $c) = @_;
  my $url = $c->url_for(
      \@args, \%query, \$fragment);


NOTE Starting with version '0.003' I changed that way this works. If you want or need the old API for backcompatibility please set the following configuration flag:

MyApp->config('Plugin::URI' => { use_v1 => 1 });

Currently if you want to create a URL to a controller's action properly the formal syntax is rather verbose:

my $url = $c->uri(
    \@args, \%query, \$fragment);

Which is verbose enough that it probably encourages people to do the wrong thing and use a hard coded link path. This might later bite you if you need to change your controllers and URL hierarchy.

Also, this can lead to weird error messages that don't make if clear that your $controller and $action are actually wrong. This plugin is an attempt to both make the proper formal syntax a bit more tidy and to deliver harder error messages if you get the names wrong.


This plugin adds the following methods to your context



$c->uri("$controller:$action", \@parts, \%query, \$fragment);

This is a sugar method which works the same as:

my $url = $c->uri_for(
    \@args, \%query, \$fragment);

Just a bit shorter, and also we check to make sure the $controller and $action actually exist (and raise a hard fail if they don't with an error message that is I think more clear than the longer version.

You can also use a 'relative' specification for the action, which assumes the current controller. For example:

$c->uri(":$action", \@parts, \%query, \$fragment);

Basically the same as:

my $url = $c->uri_for(
    \@args, \%query, \$fragment);

We also support a corrected version of what 'uri_for_action' meant to achieve:

$c->uri("$action", @args);

Basically the same as:

my $url = $c->uri_for($self->action_for($action), @args);

Where the $action string is the full or relative (to the current controller) private name of the action. Please note this does support path traversal with '..' so the following means "create a URL to an action in the controller namespace above the current one":

my $url = $c->uri("../foo");  # $c->uri($self->action_for("../foo"));

Experimentally we support named actions so that you can specify a link with a custom name:

sub name_action :Local Args(0) Name(hi) {
  my ($self, $c) = @_;
  # rest of action

my $url = $c->uri("#hi");

This allows you to specify the action by its name from any controller. We don't allow you to use the same name twice, and we also throw an exception if you attempt to add a name to an intermediate action in a chain of actions (you can only name an endpoint).

Lastly For ease of use if the first argument is an action object we just pass it down to 'uri_for'. That way you should be able to use this method for all types of URL creation.


Catalyst offers a second way to make URLs that use the action private name, the 'uri_for_action' method. However this suffers from a bug where 'path/action' and '/path/action' work the same (no support for relative actions). Also this doesn't give you a very good error message if the action private path does not exist, leading to difficult debugging issues sometimes. Lastly I just personally prefer to look up an action via $controller->action_for(...) over the private path, which is somewhat dependent on controller namespace information that you might change.

Prior art on CPAN doesn't seem to solve issues that I think actually exist ( for example older versions of Catalyst required that you specify capture args from args in a Chained action, there's plugins to address that but that was fixed in core Catalyst quite a while ago.) This plugin exists merely as sugar over the formal syntax and tries to do nothing else fancy.


John Napiorkowski email:jjnapiork@cpan.org




Copyright 2015, John Napiorkowski email:jjnapiork@cpan.org

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.