
Makers week 4 challenge:zap:: Ruby with Datamapper & Capybara :star:

Primary LanguageRuby

Chitter Challenge

##Post-completion comments

  • This was a useful recap of the work we did on the Bookmark Manager tutorial in the days beforehand, with a few extra twists thrown in. It did help me to reinforce the new concepts and to get used to the more complex directory structure. I also managed to incorporate some CSS which was quite rewarding.
  • I enjoyed investigating the code required for the extra functionality, e.g.users can only can peep if they are logged in, and displaying messages in chrono order with properly formatted time/dates.

Code Climate

  • Challenge time: Friday afternoon (+ weekend if you need it)
  • Feel free to use google, your notes, books, etc but work on your own
  • You must submit a pull request to this repo with your code by 9am Monday morning


As usual please start by

We are going to write a little Twitter clone that will allow the users to post messages to a public stream.


  • In order to use chitter as a maker I want to sign up to the service
  • In order to user chitter as a maker I want to log in
  • In order to avoid others using my account as a maker I want to log out
  • In order to let people know what I am doing as a maker I want to post a message (peep) to chitter
  • In order to see what people have to say as a maker I want to see all peeps in chronological order


  • Makers sign up to chitter with their email, password, name and a user name (e.g. sam@makersacademy.com, s3cr3t, Samuel Russell Hampden Joseph, tansaku).
  • The username and email are unique.
  • Peeps (posts to chitter) have the name of the maker and their user handle.
  • Use bcrypt to secure the passwords.
  • Use data mapper and postgres to save the data.
  • You don't have to be logged in to see the peeps.
  • You only can peep if you are logged in.
  • Finally submit a pull request before Monday at 9am with your solution or partial solution. However much or little amount of code you wrote please please please submit a pull request before Monday at 9am


If you have time you can implement the following:

  • In order to start a conversation as a maker I want to reply to a peep from another maker.


  • Work on the css to make it look good (we all like beautiful things).

Good luck and let the chitter begin!