
Makers week 3 challenge:zap:: Ruby in the browser

Primary LanguageRuby

Challenge: Rōnin Badge Test

Post-completion comments

  • The one-player version was straightforward and a nice refresher of the previous days' work.
  • The two-player mode was really tricky without databases and I (like most of the rest of the class!) failed to get it working properly using sessions. The code is also quite messy now as a consequence (e.g. server.rb). We were grateful to be introduced to databases in the following week and could really appreciate the benefits!
  • We hadn't been introduced to CSS at this stage so the styling is rather primitive/non-existent!

Knowing how to build web applications is getting us almost there as web developers!

The Makers Academy Marketing Array ( MAMA ) have asked us to provide a game for them. Their daily grind is pretty tough and they need time to steam a little.

Your task is to provide a Rock, Paper, Scissors game for them so they can play on the web with the following features:

  • the marketeer has to enter their name before the game
  • the marketeer will be presented the choices (rock, paper and scissors)
  • the marketeer can choose one option
  • the game will choose a random option
  • a winner will be declared

As always you can use google your notes and everything else. This is a challenge for you and you only!

Rōnin BANZAI!!!!

Bonus 1: Multiplayer

Change the game so that two marketeers can play against each other ( yes there are two of them ).

Bonus 2: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Spock, Lizard

Use the special rules ( you can find them here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock )

Basic Rules

  • Rock beats Scissors
  • Scissors beats Paper
  • Paper beats Rock