
Projects that are too small to have their own repository

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Projects to practice development.

Name Description Technologies Live
Bin2Dec Binary-to-Decimal number converter React, CSS View
Border Radius Previewer Previews how CSS3 border-radius values affect an element React, Styled Components View
Cause Effect Displays details of an item on a list HTML, CSS, JavaScript View
Random Number Generator Generates random number between range React, Styled Components View
Dollar to Cents Converts dollars to cents units React, Styled Components View
Event Countdown Timer Manages events countdown timers React, CSS Modules View
Lorem Ipsum Generator Generates a lorem ipsum text React, Styled Components View
GitHub Status Displays the status of GitHub services React, Redux, Styled Components View
Localized Hello Show a welcome message and geo-ip info based on user's IP React, Redux, Styled Components View
Contact Form Contact form with input validation Vue.js, Vue Test Utils View
Word Frequency App and API endpoint to show the word frequency of a text Next.js, Styled Components View
Book Finder App Lets you search for books using the OpenLibrary.org API React, Redux, Styled Components View
Product Landing Page A responsive product landing page HTML, CSS, JavaScript View
To-Do App Simple To-Do app with add/edit/remove features & more React, TypeScript, MUI, CSS Modules View
Super Simple List App Super Simple List app with add/remove features React Native, Expo, TypeScript View
Guess a Number App A game where the user chooses a number for the PC to guess React Native, Expo, TypeScript View
Blog Frontend A blog frontend with multiple pages and infinite scroll Next.js, Styled Components View
Personal Website A personal website with a contact form, language and theme toggles React, Styled Components View