
Logseq Spring Thing Immersive & Agentic Knowledge Development Engine

Primary LanguageTypeScript

WebXR Graph Visualization of Logseq Knowledge Graphs with RAGFlow Integration


Project Overview

This application transforms a LogSeq personal knowledge base into an interactive 3D graph, viewable in mixed reality environments. It automatically parses Markdown files from a privately hosted GitHub repository, processes them via the Perplexity AI API to enhance content, and integrates with RAGFlow for AI-powered question answering. Changes are submitted back to the source repository as pull requests (PRs). The system builds its own edge linkages between connected nodes based on bidirectional references, generating both processed and raw JSON metadata for comparison. This rich metadata, combined with citation and web link data, is visualised using a force-directed 3D graph with WebXR and Three.js. The visual graph can be interactively explored across desktop and immersive AR devices, with real-time updates facilitated by WebSockets.

Inspired by Prof Rob Aspin's work https://github.com/trebornipsa

Integrates Sonata rust wrapper for Piper https://github.com/mush42/sonata


Key features include:

  • 3D Visualisation of knowledge graph nodes and edges with real-time updates
  • WebXR Compatibility for immersive exploration on AR and VR devices
  • Efficient WebSocket Communication for dynamic node position updates
  • GPU Acceleration on both server and client sides for enhanced performance
  • Node Labels as Billboards for clear and interactive node identification
  • Integration with RAGFlow for AI-powered question answering within the graph interface
  • Spacemouse Support for intuitive navigation in immersive environments
  • Automatic GitHub PR Submissions for processed content updates
  • Comprehensive Metadata Management for both processed and raw files


The project comprises a Rust-based server running in a Docker container and a JavaScript client-side application. The architecture has been enhanced to support GPU acceleration, efficient real-time updates, and immersive AR experiences.

Class Diagram

    class App {
        - websocketService: WebsocketService
        - graphDataManager: GraphDataManager
        - visualization: WebXRVisualization
        - chatManager: ChatManager
        - interface: Interface
        - ragflowService: RAGflowService
        + start()
        - initializeEventListeners()
        - toggleFullscreen()

    class WebsocketService {
        - socket: WebSocket
        - listeners: Object
        - reconnectAttempts: number
        - maxReconnectAttempts: number
        - reconnectInterval: number
        + connect()
        + on(event: string, callback: function)
        + emit(event: string, data: any)
        + send(data: object)
        - reconnect()

    class GraphDataManager {
        - websocketService: WebsocketService
        - graphData: GraphData
        + requestInitialData()
        + updateGraphData(newData: GraphData)
        + getGraphData(): GraphData

    class WebXRVisualization {
        - graphDataManager: GraphDataManager
        - scene: THREE.Scene
        - camera: THREE.PerspectiveCamera
        - renderer: THREE.WebGLRenderer
        - controls: OrbitControls
        - composer: EffectComposer
        - gpu: GPUUtilities (optional)
        - nodeMeshes: Map<string, THREE.Mesh>
        - edgeMeshes: Map<string, THREE.Line>
        - hologramGroup: THREE.Group
        - particleSystem: THREE.Points
        + initialize()
        + updateVisualization()
        - initThreeJS()
        - setupGPU()
        - initPostProcessing()
        - addLights()
        - createHologramStructure()
        - createParticleSystem()
        - onSelect(selectedObject: THREE.Object3D)
        - animate()
        - rotateHologram()
        - updateParticles()
        - onWindowResize()
        - getNodeColor(node: Node): THREE.Color
        - updateNodes(nodes: Node[])
        - updateEdges(edges: Edge[])

    class ChatManager {
        - websocketService: WebsocketService
        - chatInput: HTMLInputElement
        - sendButton: HTMLButtonElement
        - chatMessages: HTMLElement
        + initialize()
        - sendMessage()
        - displayMessage(sender: string, message: string)
        + displayResponse(message: string)

    class Interface {
        - document: Document
        - nodeInfoPanel: HTMLElement
        + displayErrorMessage(message: string)
        + updateNodeInfoPanel(node: Node)
        - createNodeInfoPanel()
        - setupEventListeners()

    class RAGflowService {
        - websocketService: WebsocketService
        + sendQuery(query: string)
        - handleRAGFlowResponse(data: object)
        - setupWebSocketListeners()

    class GraphData {
        + nodes: Node[]
        + edges: Edge[]

    class Node {
        + id: string
        + label: string
        + x: number
        + y: number
        + z: number
        + metadata: any

    class Edge {
        + source: string
        + target_node: string
        + weight: number
        + hyperlinks: number

    class GPUCompute {
        - device: Device
        - queue: Queue
        - nodes_buffer: Buffer
        - edges_buffer: Buffer
        + set_graph_data(graphData: GraphData)
        + compute_forces()
        + get_updated_positions(): Node[]
    App --> WebsocketService
    App --> GraphDataManager
    App --> WebXRVisualization
    App --> ChatManager
    App --> Interface
    App --> RAGflowService
    GraphDataManager --> WebsocketService
    GraphDataManager --> GraphData
    WebXRVisualization --> GraphDataManager
    WebXRVisualization --> Node
    WebXRVisualization --> Edge
    WebXRVisualization --> GPUCompute
    ChatManager --> WebsocketService
    RAGflowService --> WebsocketService
    GraphData --> Node
    GraphData --> Edge

Sequence Diagram

    participant Client
    participant WebXRVisualization
    participant GraphDataManager
    participant Interface
    participant ChatManager
    participant Server
    participant FileService
    participant GraphService
    participant ServerGraphSimulation
    participant GitHub
    participant PerplexityAPI
    participant RAGFlowIntegration
    participant WebSocketManager
    participant GPUCompute

    rect rgba(200, 255, 200, 0.1)
        activate Server
        Server->>Server: Load env vars & settings (config.rs)
        alt Settings Load Error
            note right of Server: Error handling in main.rs
            Server-->>Client: Error Response (500)
            deactivate Server
        else Settings Loaded
            Server->>Server: Initialize AppState (app_state.rs)
            Server->>Server: Initialize GPUCompute (utils/gpu_compute.rs)
            alt GPU Initialization Error
                note right of Server: Fallback to CPU calculation
            Server->>Server: initialize_graph_data (main.rs)
            Server->>FileService: fetch_and_process_files (services/file_service.rs)
            activate FileService
                FileService->>GitHub: fetch_files (RealGitHubService::fetch_files)
                activate GitHub
                    GitHub-->>FileService: Files or Error
                deactivate GitHub
                alt GitHub Error
                    FileService-->>Server: Error
                else Files Fetched
                    loop For each file
                        FileService->>FileService: should_process_file
                        alt File needs processing
                            FileService->>PerplexityAPI: process_file (services/perplexity_service.rs)
                            activate PerplexityAPI
                                PerplexityAPI->>PerplexityAPI: process_markdown (splits into blocks, calls API)
                                PerplexityAPI->>PerplexityAPI: call_perplexity_api (multiple times)
                                PerplexityAPI-->>FileService: Processed content or Error
                            deactivate PerplexityAPI
                            alt Perplexity Error
                                FileService-->>Server: Error
                            else Content Processed
                                FileService->>FileService: save_file_metadata (writes to /app/data/markdown)
                    FileService-->>Server: Processed files or Error
            deactivate FileService
            alt File Processing Error
                Server-->>Server: Error
            else Files Processed Successfully
                Server->>GraphService: build_graph (services/graph_service.rs)
                activate GraphService
                    GraphService->>GraphService: Create nodes and edges
                    GraphService->>GPUCompute: calculate_layout (or CPU fallback)
                    activate GPUCompute
                        GPUCompute->>GPUCompute: set_graph_data
                        GPUCompute->>GPUCompute: compute_forces
                        GPUCompute->>GPUCompute: get_updated_positions
                        GPUCompute-->>GraphService: Updated node positions
                    deactivate GPUCompute
                    GraphService-->>Server: GraphData
                deactivate GraphService
                Server->>WebSocketManager: broadcast_graph_update (utils/websocket_manager.rs)
            Server->>Server: Create and run HttpServer (main.rs)

        activate Client
        Client->>GraphDataManager: initialize (services/graphDataManager.js)
        activate GraphDataManager
            GraphDataManager->>WebSocketManager: establish_websocket_connection (services/websocketService.js)
            activate WebSocketManager
                WebSocketManager-->>GraphDataManager: connection_established
            deactivate WebSocketManager
        deactivate GraphDataManager
        Client->>WebXRVisualization: initialize (components/webXRVisualization.js)
        activate WebXRVisualization
            WebXRVisualization->>WebXRVisualization: initXRSession (xr/xrSetup.js)
            WebXRVisualization->>WebXRVisualization: createHologramStructure (if applicable)
            WebXRVisualization->>WebXRVisualization: initXRInteraction (xr/xrInteraction.js)
            WebXRVisualization->>GraphDataManager: requestInitialData (services/graphDataManager.js)
            GraphDataManager->>Server: GET /api/graph/data (handlers/graph_handler.rs)
            Server-->>GraphDataManager: graph_data (JSON)
            WebXRVisualization->>Interface: initialize (components/interface.js)
            WebXRVisualization->>ChatManager: initialize (components/chatManager.js)
            WebXRVisualization->>WebXRVisualization: updateVisualization (with initial data)
        deactivate WebXRVisualization

        loop Simulation loop (Server-side)
            Server->>ServerGraphSimulation: compute (CPU or GPU)
            Server->>WebSocketManager: broadcast_graph_update (utils/websocket_manager.rs)
            activate WebSocketManager
                WebSocketManager-->>Client: graph_update_message
            deactivate WebSocketManager
            Client->>GraphDataManager: updateGraphData (services/graphDataManager.js)
            Client->>WebXRVisualization: updateVisualization (components/webXRVisualization.js)

        Client->>ChatManager: sendMessage(question) (components/chatManager.js)
        ChatManager->>Server: POST /api/chat/message (handlers/ragflow_handler.rs)
        activate Server
            Server->>RAGFlowIntegration: send_message (services/ragflow_service.rs)
            activate RAGFlowIntegration
                RAGFlowIntegration->>RAGFlowIntegration: API call to RAGFlow service
                RAGFlowIntegration-->>Server: response or error
            deactivate RAGFlowIntegration
            Server-->>ChatManager: response or error
        deactivate Server

        Client->>Interface: user input (e.g., SpaceMouse movement)
        Interface->>WebXRVisualization: updateCameraPosition()

        note right of Client: User clicks "Refresh Graph"
        Client->>Server: POST /api/files/fetch (handlers/file_handler.rs)
        activate Server
            Server->>FileService: fetch_and_process_files (services/file_service.rs)
            activate FileService
                FileService->>GitHub: fetch_files (RealGitHubService::fetch_files)
                activate GitHub
                    GitHub-->>FileService: Files or Error
                deactivate GitHub
                alt GitHub Error
                    FileService-->>Server: Error
                else Files Fetched
                    loop For each file
                        FileService->>FileService: should_process_file
                        alt File needs processing
                            FileService->>PerplexityAPI: process_file (services/perplexity_service.rs)
                            activate PerplexityAPI
                                PerplexityAPI->>PerplexityAPI: process_markdown (splits into blocks, calls API)
                                PerplexityAPI->>PerplexityAPI: call_perplexity_api (multiple times)
                                PerplexityAPI-->>FileService: Processed content or Error
                            deactivate PerplexityAPI
                            alt Perplexity Error
                                FileService-->>Server: Error
                            else Content Processed
                                FileService->>FileService: save_file_metadata (writes to /app/data/markdown)
                    FileService-->>Server: Processed files or Error
            deactivate FileService
            alt File Processing Error
                Server->>WebSocketManager: broadcast_error_message (utils/websocket_manager.rs)
                activate WebSocketManager
                    WebSocketManager-->>Client: error_message
                deactivate WebSocketManager
                Server-->>Client: Error Response
            else Files Processed Successfully
                Server->>GraphService: build_graph (services/graph_service.rs)
                activate GraphService
                    GraphService->>GraphService: Create nodes and edges
                    GraphService->>GPUCompute: calculate_layout (or CPU fallback)
                    activate GPUCompute
                        GPUCompute->>GPUCompute: set_graph_data
                        GPUCompute->>GPUCompute: compute_forces
                        GPUCompute->>GPUCompute: get_updated_positions
                        GPUCompute-->>GraphService: Updated node positions
                    deactivate GPUCompute
                    GraphService-->>Server: GraphData
                deactivate GraphService
                Server->>WebSocketManager: broadcast_graph_update (utils/websocket_manager.rs)
                activate WebSocketManager
                    WebSocketManager-->>Client: graph_update_message
                deactivate WebSocketManager
                Server-->>Client: Success Response
        deactivate Server
        deactivate Client

File Structure

Server-Side (Rust)

  • src/
    • main.rs: Entry point for the Rust server.
    • app_state.rs: Shared application state.
    • handlers/
      • graph_handler.rs: Handles graph data requests.
      • file_handler.rs: Manages file operations and GitHub interactions.
      • ragflow_handler.rs: Handles RAGFlow API interactions.
    • services/
      • graph_service.rs: Core graph processing and management.
      • file_service.rs: File handling and Perplexity integration.
      • ragflow_service.rs: RAGFlow conversation management.
      • perplexity_service.rs: Interaction with Perplexity API.
    • models/
      • graph.rs: Graph data structures.
      • metadata.rs: File metadata representation.
      • node.rs: Graph node structure.
      • edge.rs: Graph edge structure.
      • simulation_params.rs: Parameters for graph simulation.
    • utils/
      • websocket_manager.rs: Server-side WebSocket management.
      • gpu_compute.rs: GPU acceleration for server-side computations using WebGPU.
      • force_calculation.wgsl: WebGPU compute shader for force calculations.
      • update_positions.wgsl: WebGPU compute shader for updating node positions.
      • mod.rs: Utility module.
    • config.rs: Configuration loading and management.
  • tests/
    • server/
      • integration_tests.rs: Integration tests for server functionalities.

Client-Side (JavaScript)

  • public/js/

    • index.html: Main HTML file served by the Rust server.
    • app.js: Main application setup and initialization.
  • public/js/components/

    • webXRVisualization.js: Manages WebXR rendering and interactions with GPU acceleration.
    • interface.js: Manages UI elements like error messages and node information panels.
    • chatManager.js: Manages chat interface and RAGFlow interactions.
  • public/js/services/

    • websocketService.js: Client-side WebSocket handling with automatic reconnection.
    • graphDataManager.js: Manages graph data and WebSocket communication.
    • ragflowService.js: Manages interactions with RAGFlow API via WebSocket.
  • public/js/threeJS/

    • threeSetup.js: Three.js scene initialization and utility functions.
    • threeGraph.js: Three.js graph rendering and updates.
  • public/js/xr/

    • xrSetup.js: WebXR session setup and management.
    • xrInteraction.js: XR-specific interaction handling, including controller events and label billboards.
  • public/js/

    • gpuUtils.js: Optional GPU acceleration utilities for client-side computations.

Installation and Setup


  • Docker with NVIDIA GPU support
  • Rust (for local development)
  • Node.js and npm (for local development)
  • GitHub Personal Access Token
  • RAGFlow API Key
  • Perplexity API Key
  • GPU-enabled server for mandatory server-side acceleration
  • GPU-enabled client device for enhanced performance (optional)

Environment Setup

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/yourusername/webxr-graph.git
    cd webxr-graph
  2. Create a .env file in the root directory:


Running with Docker

  1. Build and run the Docker container:

    docker-compose up --build
  2. Access the application:

    Open your WebXR-compatible browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080.

Local Development

  1. Install Rust dependencies:

    cargo build
  2. Install JavaScript dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Run the Rust server:

    cargo run
  4. Serve the frontend:

    You may need to set up a separate web server or use a development server like live-server:

    npx live-server public

Network Considerations

To optimise network efficiency when updating node positions in a force-directed graph over WebSocket, especially for scaling with a large number of nodes and frequent updates, consider the following strategies:

  1. Use Delta Updates (Differences):

    • Description: Instead of sending absolute positions of each node on every update, send only the delta (change) in position.
    • Implementation: Calculate the change (delta_x, delta_y, delta_z) for each node and send those values. The client updates the node position incrementally.
    • Pros:
      • Reduces bandwidth usage significantly for small, frequent updates.
      • Scales well with more nodes, as fewer bytes per node are transmitted.
    • Cons:
      • Requires reliable order of messages, though WebSockets generally ensure message ordering.
      "node_id": "A",
      "delta": [0.1, -0.2, 0.05]
  2. Quaternions for Rotation:

    • Description: Use quaternions for orientation updates instead of Euler angles or rotation matrices.
    • Implementation: Send quaternion arrays [x, y, z, w] to represent rotations.
    • Pros:
      • More compact and efficient than Euler angles.
      • Avoids gimbal lock.
    • Cons:
      • Requires client-side handling, which is supported by Three.js.
      "node_id": "A",
      "quat": [0.707, 0, 0, 0.707]
  3. Sparse Updates (Only Update Moving Nodes):

    • Description: Send updates only for nodes that have moved beyond a certain threshold.
    • Implementation: Track each node’s last known position and send updates only if the difference exceeds the threshold.
    • Pros:
      • Prevents unnecessary data transmission.
      • Ideal for graphs where only portions change frequently.
    • Cons:
      • Slight latency for nodes moving slowly but steadily.
        "node_id": "A",
        "delta": [0.05, -0.03, 0.01]
        "node_id": "B",
        "delta": [0.2, 0.1, 0]
  4. Compression of Updates:

    • Description: Apply lightweight compression (e.g., gzip or Brotli) to WebSocket messages.
    • Implementation: Utilise WebSocket's built-in compression features.
    • Pros:
      • Significant bandwidth reduction for large graphs.
    • Cons:
      • Minimal CPU overhead on both server and client.
      • Requires proper configuration of WebSocket libraries.
  5. Batch Updates:

    • Description: Group several node updates into a single WebSocket message.
    • Implementation: Accumulate updates over a short period (e.g., 50ms) and send them as a batch.
    • Pros:
      • Reduces WebSocket message overhead.
      • More efficient for large-scale graphs.
    • Cons:
      • Introduces slight delays between updates, though minimal.
      "batch": [
          "node_id": "A",
          "delta": [0.1, 0.05, -0.1]
          "node_id": "B",
          "delta": [0, 0.03, 0.2]
  6. Client-Side Interpolation:

    • Description: Use client-side interpolation to smooth out position transitions between updates.
    • Implementation: Send target positions and velocities, allowing the client to interpolate.
    • Pros:
      • Reduces the frequency of updates.
      • Provides smoother animations.
    • Cons:
      • Requires more client-side computation.
      "node_id": "A",
      "target_position": [1.0, 2.0, 1.5],
      "velocity": [0.1, -0.2, 0.05]

Summary of Strategies:

  • Delta Updates: Minimise data size by sending only position changes.
  • Quaternions for Rotation: Efficiently handle node orientation.
  • Sparse Updates: Update only significantly moved nodes.
  • Compression: Reduce bandwidth usage with WebSocket compression.
  • Batch Updates: Group updates to minimise message overhead.
  • Client-Side Interpolation: Smooth animations with fewer updates.

By combining these strategies, the application ensures efficient network usage, scalability, and a smooth user experience even as the graph scales in size.

Running Tests

Rust Tests

  • Unit Tests:

    cargo test
  • Integration Tests:

    Located in tests/server/integration_tests.rs

    cargo test --test integration_tests

JavaScript Tests

  • Unit and Integration Tests:

    npm test
  • Test Coverage:

    Generate coverage reports using:

    npm run test -- --coverage

Test Coverage Details:

  • Server-Side Tests (Rust):

    • Unit Tests: Located in tests/server/ directory
      • app_state_test.rs: Tests for AppState functionality
      • metadata_test.rs: Tests for Metadata struct and its methods
      • file_handler_test.rs: Tests for file handling operations
      • graph_service_test.rs: Tests for graph processing and management
      • ragflow_service_test.rs: Tests for RAGFlow service operations
    • Integration Tests: Located in tests/server/integration_tests.rs
      • End-to-end workflow tests
      • Graph update workflow tests
  • Client-Side Tests (JavaScript):

    • Located in tests/client/ directory
      • interface.test.js: Tests for user interface components
      • graphService.test.js: Tests for client-side graph data management
      • websocketService.test.js: Tests for WebSocket communication
      • ... (additional client-side test files)

Our test suite adheres to best practices for Test-Driven Development (TDD), ensuring robust and reliable application behaviour through comprehensive coverage of both success and error scenarios.

Development Status

The project is under active development with recent and ongoing enhancements:

Recent Improvements:

  • Enhanced Test Coverage: Comprehensive tests for both server and client components, ensuring reliability and facilitating future development.
  • Integration Tests: Established end-to-end workflow tests to validate the complete application flow.
  • Mocking Enhancements: Improved mocking for API interactions within PerplexityService and RAGFlowService.
  • GPU Compute Integration: Successfully integrated GPUCompute for accelerated graph layout calculations using WebGPU.

Ongoing Focus Areas:

  • Optimising WebGPU Integration: Enhancing server-side graph computations for better performance using WebGPU.
  • Finalising Perplexity Integration: Ensuring seamless processing and enhancement of Markdown files via the Perplexity AI API.
  • Expanding Unit Tests: Continuously improving test coverage to encompass all new features and components.
  • Performance Enhancements: Further optimising the Rust-based server for scalability and efficiency.
  • RAGFlow Integration Refinement: Enhancing the integration with RAGFlow for more robust AI-powered question answering capabilities.


Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps to contribute:

  1. Fork the Repository: Click the "Fork" button at the top right of this page to create your own fork.

  2. Clone Your Fork:

    git clone https://github.com/yourusername/webxr-graph.git
    cd webxr-graph
  3. Create a New Branch:

    git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
  4. Make Your Changes: Implement your feature or fix.

  5. Commit Your Changes:

    git commit -m "Add feature: your feature description"
  6. Push to Your Fork:

    git push origin feature/your-feature-name
  7. Create a Pull Request: Navigate to your fork on GitHub and click the "Compare & pull request" button.

Please ensure that your contributions adhere to the project's coding standards and include relevant tests where applicable.


This project is licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 license.