
Deletes all the junk out of your project.

Primary LanguagePHP


Build Status

Deletes all the junk out of your project.

Add a config file called decomposer.xml to your project and list all the directories and files that you want to keep.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<decomposer xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    <keep start="./">
        <!-- Keep your source code. -->
        <!-- Keep the Composer autoload stuff. -->
        <!-- Keep just the source code of some other package. -->
        <!-- Keep the source of all packages from a vendor -->


php resource/script/compile.php


Keep only the files listed in the Decomposer config.

php path/to/decomposer.phar keep

See which files will be removed.

php path/to/decomposer.phar keep -d -v


  • Change Path in config file to be one of Starts With, Ends With , Starts and Ends With?
  • Add config file option?
  • Add Factory to get Finder instance.
  • Rename Keep command to Clean or something?
  • Add Remove functionality?
  • Add Validate command?
  • Rename jjok\Decomposer\Config\Paths to something more useful. 'Keep'?

Copyright (c) 2015 Jonathan Jefferies