Nextjs Boilerplate

This is a nextjs app pre setup with Typescript, Sentry, Jest, Cypress, Tailwind CSS and a few common hooks

Getting Started


git clone my-app
rm -rf .git
npm install && npm run dev


git clone my-app
rm -rf .git
yarn && yarn run dev


  npm run dev # run the dev server
  npm run build # build the production bundle
  npm start # start the production server
  npm run lint # run prettier
  npm run lint:fix # run prettier and automatically fix issues.
Unit Testing
  npm run test # run the test
  npm run test:dev # run the test in watch mode
  npm run test:ci # run the test on continuous integration
Integration / e2e Testing
  npm run cypress:open # run cypress
  npm run cypress:run  # run cypress headless (For CI)
Run all tests
  npm run test:all # run jest & cypress


  // run something on a react safe interval
  useInterval(function:void, delay:number);

  // get the window height and width (throttled)
  const { width, height }: { width: number, height: number } = useWindowSize();

Github Action

This project includes a github action to run your tests when you check your code into master the action can be edited in .github/workflows/main.yml


  • Jordan Addison