
Callgraphs for Rust programs

Primary LanguageRust


Computes the callgraph of Rust programs.


callgraph foo.rs --sysroot /usr/local

To build foo.rs, where you would usually use rustc foo.rs. You can also use any arguments you would usually use with rustc. It is unfortunate that you must specify your sysroot.

This will generate a dot file which is graphviz output, you can then convert that it an image or pdf or whatever. For example, to create a png image called out.png, use dot -oout.png -Tpng <foo.dot.


Uses rustc's driver APIs to run rustc up to the end of the analysis stage. We then walk the expanded AST and query the save-analysis API for every function or function call. We do a little post-processing of this (to map method decls to their implementations), and then output a dot file for graphviz using librustc_graphviz.