
Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

ZkBNB L1 Client


Using npm:

> npm install @bnb-chain/zkbnb-js-l1-sdk

Using yarn:

> yarn add @bnb-chain/zkbnb-js-l1-sdk

Using pnpm:

> pnpm add @bnb-chain/zkbnb-js-l1-sdk



import { Wallet, Provider, getZkBNBDefaultProvider } from '@bnb-chain/zkbnb-js-l1-sdk';

const rpcEndpoint = 'https://data-seed-prebsc-2-s1.binance.org:8545'; // bsc testnest rpc
const ethWallet = new ethers.Wallet(
  'your private key',
  new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(rpcEndpoint)
const provider = getZkBNBDefaultProvider('bscTestnet'); // bsc or bscTestnet
// or by this method
// const testEndpoint = 'https://testapi.zkbnbchain.org'; // bsc testnest
// const provider = await Provider.newHttpProvider(testEndpoint);
const wallet = await Wallet.fromZkBNBSigner(ethWallet, provider);

Sign message

// this is used sign message by 
const result = await provider.ethMessageSigner().getEthMessageSignature("message");

Get Current User Address

const address = provider.address();

Get Asset Address By Asset Id

const assetAddress = await wallet.resolveTokenAddress('asset id');

Get Asset Id By Asset Address

const assetId = await wallet.resolveTokenId('asset address');

Add Asset

const tokenAddress = 'BEP20 token address';
// Before adding, it is recommended to check whether the asset exists and whether it can be added.
await wallet.addAsset({ tokenAddress });

Whether The BEP20 Token Is Approved For Deposit

const isApproved = await wallet.isBEP20DepositsApproved('BEP20 asset address');

Approve BEP20 Token For Deposit

const result = await wallet.approveBEP20TokenDeposits('BEP20 address');
// You can check if it is successful approved by the following method
const isApproved = await wallet.isBEP20DepositsApproved("BEP20 address");

Deposit BNB

const tokenAddress = await wallet.resolveTokenAddress(0);
const result = await wallet.deposit({
  to: wallet.address(),
  tokenAddress: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  amount: ethers.utils.parseEther('0.001'),

Deposit BEP20

Deposit funds from the BSC to the zkBNB.

To do the BEP20 token transfer, this token transfer should be approved. User can make BEP20 deposits approved forever using approveBEP20TokenDeposits("token address"), or the user can approve the exact amount (required for a deposit) upon each deposit using approveBEP20TokenDeposits("token address", "exact amount"), but this is not recommended.

const result = await wallet.deposit({
  to: wallet.address(),
  tokenAddress: 'BEP20 Address',
  amount: ethers.utils.parseEther('0.001'),

Approve NFT For Deposit

const approveTx = await this.approveForAllERC721TokenDeposits('nft address');
// You can check if it is successful approved by the following method
const isApproved = await this.isERC721DepositsApprovedForAll('nft address');

Deposit NFT

Deposit NFT from BSC to zkBNB, Only supports the nft created by zkBNB.

To do the NFT transfer, this transfer should be approved by approveForAllERC721TokenDeposits("nft address") once.

const depositResult = await wallet.depositNFT({
    to: 'wallet address', // which address to deposit to
    tokenAddress: 'nft address',
    tokenId: 'nft ID',


Withdraw BNB or BEP20 from zkBNB to BSC

const result = await wallet.requestFullExit({
    tokenAddress: 'asset address',
    accountIndex: 'account index',

FullExit Nft

Withdraw NFT from zkBNB to BSC

const requestResult = await wallet.requestFullExitNft({
    tokenId: 'nft ID',
    accountIndex: 'account index',

Register A Dedicated NFT Contract For A Collection

const name = 'collection name';
const symbol = 'collection symbol';
const collectionId = 'collection Id';
await wallet.deployAndRegisterNFTFactory({

Get NFT Address By Collection's Creator Address And Collection ID

const creatorAddress = 'collection creator\'s wallet address';
const collectionId = 1;
// if zero address is returned, it means a dedicated nft address can be bound
const nftAddress = await wallet.getNFTAddress(creatorAddress, collectionId);

Get NFT tokenURI

const nftContentType = 0; // 0-ipfs, 1-Greenfield
const nftContentHash = 'nft content hash';
const tokenURI = await wallet.getNftTokenURI(nftContentType, nftContentHash);

Get Pending Balance

// Please change the value of the parameter according to the actual situation
const address = 'wallet address';
const assetAddress = 'asset address';

const pendingBalance = await wallet.getPendingBalance(address, assetAddress);

Get Token Balance On BSC

const pendingBalance = await wallet.getTokenBalance('asset address');