
Highly reusable chat interface with refined UI - suitable for your projects

MIT LicenseMIT


GitHub: https://github.com/jjrohrer/RobustChat

Official Docs: https://jjrohrer.github.io/RobustChat/


A complete openai-like chat package you can use in your own projects, with an emphasis on good-enough for startup MVP-style work, plus leaning into educating fellow developers along the way.

QuickStart Local Playground

see: Readme.QuickPlayground.md

QuickStart for your App

see: Readme.QuickPlayground.md


Create an open-ai style chat library suitable for the PHP to mostly reusable in their own applications, including a well-refined UI.

We will emphasize the following

  • Understandable Code
    • Self-documented code
    • Orientation document(s) that explain how the code fits together
  • Learning Opportunities
    • Emphasizing educating other developers on how come up-to-speed on ai and this package
  • Flexible Deployment
    • Lots of examples of how to customize for your own use-cases (tweaking the UI, turning off features, etc.)
    • Compatability with Laravel and Symfony
    • Good test cases and development cases
    • Production-ready-flags (like, removing some development-only features)

Tech Stack


This started as an offshoot of making a chat-like WebApp for interacting with AIs in the business-education space. After getting some proof-of-concept going, I found the edge-details around implementing streaming and reactive UI was starting to get tricky, leading to a potential re-architecting of the app. This was going to stretch my own knowledge, but it also could become an opportunity for me to better engage the community, and even give back a bit.


Stage 1 (Basics)

  • Useful Links
  • Hello World with API to openAi (blocking)
  • Hello World with API to openAi (streaming)
  • Hello World input box
  • QuickStart for local playground
  • GitHub Pages

Stage 2 (Chat)

  • Onto packagist
  • QuickStart for Apps
  • Quick Model look-up constants
  • Multi-Bubble chat stream
  • Instant submit and appropriate scrolling
  • Get EtGrok working for showing code samples
  • Figure out how to do Laravel Examples (without having to symlink into existing install)

Stage 3

  • ( ) Each bubble with ability to show extra details (like, debug hints)
  • Proper scrolling (re-scroll upon submit, and indicate scroll on response if scrolled up)
  • Scroll window, not whole page (so submit stays on-screen)

Stage 4

  • Customizable UI
  • Ensure lots of stuff not included on production
  • Make sure the examples work on your local machine (and people know how to make that happen)

Stage 5

  • FilamentPHP DevCheck Card

PHP Evangelization

Python & REACT get most of the love out in the real-world. Showing nicely-refined UI with LLMs is a nice way to for PHP to properly reclaim its appropriate glory. More importantly, we believe a core value of PHP has been its supportive community and well-documented projects - this is an opportunity to continue this.

Personal Backstory

I've developed php on-and-off since 2002-ish. Most of my projects have been fairly private, so this is my attempt to engage more publically.

Useful Links