
quiz for 1stdibs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

1stdibs.com front-end developer React quiz

Using React and Flux architecture render Single Page Application with these pages:

Server side notes

Steps to run local server:

  • npm install - install dependencies
  • npm run start - run webpack server
  • npm run dev - run Express.js server

At this point you should be able to access localhost:3000 in your browser.

Everything should work with Node v8.0.0 and up.

Client side notes

Page JavaScript files are located in /src folder.

Webpack will compile all your CSS and JS assets.


Browse page:

  • Fetch items data from server side using this endpoint: [GET] /browse
  • Render items, example layout
  • Add Load More button, which should fetch additional items from the same endpoint

Item page:

  • Fetch item data from server side using this endpoint: [GET] /item/{id}
  • Render item, example layout

Bonus points: Add item favoriting:

  • Item can be added and removed to/from favorites from both pages by clicking on the heart icon
  • Favorited items should be stored server side (db, file or your own solution)
  • Examples: favorite on browse and favorite on item

Other Notes:

  • Initial App setup is done with Create React App
  • You can use any Flux framework, Redux is preferable, but not a must
  • You can use ES6 features
  • You can change Create React App or Express.js configs/setup as you like
  • You can use any framework for CSS or just write your own styles. Don't need to totally match given examples