Do these things to have everything set up

Run this script in terminal.


To allow Chrome to access local self-signed webpage, navigate to


The script does the following things for you.

Install homebrew if you haven't

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

or go to homebrew homepage to learn more.

Install openssl if you haven't

brew install openssl

Install a simple http server if you haven't

brew install http-server


follow the readme file in this repo to install a simple web server.

Create a certificate for http TLS session

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -x509 -days 3650 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem

Run a simple HTTPs server to host this static page

Run the command below in the terminal under the path of your static web page.

http-server -S -C cert.pem

A great WebGazer video tutorial:

Check data prediction and elapsed time in console

If everything runs smoothly, you should be able to see the logs like below in browser console.

50000079 (index):34 xprediction is 701.653202417137 (index):35 yprediction is 255.7328452199096 (index):36 clock is 34903.41000002809 (index):34 xprediction is 721.7688369396462 (index):35 yprediction is 232.72237484617136 (index):36 clock is 34969.810000038706 (index):34 xprediction is 741.1327938881816 (index):35 yprediction is 224.84369205847992 (index):36 clock is 35036.97499993723 (index):34 xprediction is 762.7510338037266 (index):35 yprediction is 214.48894141862394 (index):36 clock is 35103.57000003569 (index):34 xprediction is 706.2617460794518 (index):35 yprediction is 249.9783770482826 (index):36 clock is 35171.45000002347 (index):34 xprediction is 722.9319407746391 (index):35 yprediction is 218.26461340274523 (index):36 clock is 35238.45499998424 (index):34 xprediction is 695.3711587278825 (index):35 yprediction is 210.64145805952458 (index):36 clock is 35320.02999994438 (index):34 xprediction is 618.692215283511 (index):35 yprediction is 242.09787810305554 (index):36 clock is 35364.96000003535 (index):34 xprediction is 618.5606562404838 (index):35 yprediction is 230.40242492714654 (index):36 clock is 35415.12000001967 (index):34 xprediction is 693.6749664724019 (index):35 yprediction is 196.58739382278833 (index):36 clock is 35486.88999994192 (index):34 xprediction is 678.6457088139227 (index):35 yprediction is 204.1109953299713 (index):36 clock is 35533.46499998588