
A platform to test trading strategies.

Primary LanguageC#


This is a Test Project to check your own trading strategies. The functionallity its simple, get historic candles of a currency and pass candle by candle to your strategy class.

How to implement a new strategy

You just only must to implemte the interface IStrategy in libStrategies project.

public interface IStrategy
    public Order CheckForOperation(Position position);

    public void AddCandleToHistory( Candle candle );

When a new candle arrives to your application, add to your strategy class with

AddCandleToHistory( Candle candle );

Then, Check if you need to perform an operation of buy, sell, stoploss or nothing calling to

Order CheckForOperation(Position position);

How to add new Client API

By default, you have a Binance API client implemented buy, you may need to operate with another broker, so, in that case, you have to implement the IClientManager interface in libAPIManager.

public interface IClientManager
    public Task<IEnumerable<Candle>> GetHistoricAsync( TimeIntervalE intervalE, DateTime from, DateTime to, string symbol );

    public Task<string> GetSymbolInfoAsync( string symbol );

For the moment, only have these two methods.

How to check your strategy

You have so many examples of in StrategyTest project, just add new test method and good luck!.