
Primary LanguageShellGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Long running Lambda

This repository servers as a small example of the Long Runing Lambda talk I gave at AWS Community Day Midwest.

Initial setup

  1. Install AWS CLI - pip install awscli
  2. Clone this repository - git clone https://github.com/jjshoe/LongRunningLambda.git
  3. Change into the repository - cd LongRunningLambda
  4. Run the cloudformation, feel free to change the Name parameter, VpcCidr parameter, and stackname to whatever suits you - aws cloudformation deploy --template cloudformation.yml --stack-name LongRunningLambda --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --parameter-overrides VpcCidr= Name=LongRunningLambda


  1. Sign into your AWS web console
  2. From the Services drop down, search for and select Lambda
  3. Click on the function name, it will match what you passed in for a name parameter in step 3
  4. On the upper right side will be a drop down with grey text that says Select a test event.., click on it
  5. Select Configure test events in the drop down
  6. In the Event name input, type test
  7. Click the orange button on bottom labeled Create


  1. Sign into your AWS web console
  2. From the Services drop down, search for and select CloudWatch
  3. On the far left select Logs
  4. Click /aws/lambda/EcsTaskLauncher
  5. Click on any log entry that interests you