
Simple Python project using using make.

Primary LanguageMakefile

How Do?


These dependencies are required for the makefile to run:

  • Make

    Ubuntu: sudo apt install make or alternatively: sudo apt install build-essential.

  • Poetry

    Ubuntu: sudo apt install python3-poetry

  • Curl

    Ubuntu: sudo apt install curl

Additionally, you probably want to set poetry to put venvs into the root directory of the project, instead of a systemwide cache.

poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true

Creating new projects

  1. Click use this template and clone the resulting repository. Or optionall do the following: a) Make a new folder where you want the project to reside. b) Create a file called Makefile and copy everything from Makefile into it.
  2. Run make init.

Sourcing the virtual environment

You have options here:

  1. Just source the venv directly:
    source ./.venv/bin/activate.fish
  2. Wrap all commands in poetry run, e.g.:
    poetry run python3 src/main.py
    poetry run nvim
    poetry run code

Installing additional python packages.

The following line installs dependencies and automatically adds it to the toml file.

poetry add {your dependency here}

To install a dependency without adding it to the toml file, do the usual pip3 install X with a poetry runtime, e.g.:

poetry run pip3 install {your dependency here}


source ./.venv/bin/activate.fish
pip3 install {your dependency here}

Make commands for convenience

  • For initializing a brand new project:
    make init
  • For generating lock and requirements.txt files:
    make lock
  • For running a code formatter:
    make format
  • For running precommit (lock, format, tests):
    make precommit
  • For installing the project (assuming the project has been just cloned from a repo with this make file):
    make install