
Minimum viable clojurescript dom library

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Do It Yourself DOM

diy is a minimum viable clojurescript dom library inspired by hoplon. Unlike hoplon, diy doesn't directly help you with reactivity but only seeks to provide helpers for element creation and mutation.


jjttjj/diy {:git/url "https://github.com/jjttjj/diy.git"
            :sha     "<SHA>"}


(:require [diy.dom :as d :refer [$ defelem div]])

All html element types are defined as functions in the diy.dom namespace.

Create a dom element:

(d/div) ;;=> #object[HTMLDivElement] ;; a regular old div

All key/value pairs and maps passed to an element are added as properties to the element. By default all properties are added to the element via the goog.dom/setProperties function from Google Closure.

(.-src (img :src "https://clojure.org/images/clojure-logo-120b.png"))
;;=> "https://clojure.org/images/clojure-logo-120b.png"

(.-style.cssText (d/div :style "background:blue" "hi"))
;;"background: blue;"
;;note: google closure's setProperties handles the setting of cssText for us

Any elements passed to an element as are appended to its children. Any strings are added as text nodes:

(def el1 (div "a" (span "b")))

(aget (.-childNodes el1) 0)
;;=> #object[Text [object Text]]

(aget (.-childNodes el1) 1)
;;=>#object[HTMLSpanElement [object HTMLSpanElement]]

Elements themselves are functions that can also be passed attributes and children which are then added to the element:

(aget (.-childNodes el1) 2)
;;=> nil

(el1 (p "hi"))
(aget (.-childNodes el1) 2)
;;=> #object[HTMLParagraphElement [object HTMLParagraphElement]]

Custom property handling

If you want to define custom handling for a property, you can extend the diy.dom/handle-prop! multimethod for a given key. diy currently defines a custom handler for the :class property which lets you add a sequence of classes instead of just a class string:

  [goog.dom.classlist :as class]
;;we pretend this isn't already implemented and defmethod for d/handle-prop
(defmethod d/handle-prop! :class [el k v]
  (if (sequential? v)
    (class/addAll el (clj->js v))
    (class/set el v)))
(.-className (d/div :class ["a" "b" "c"]))
;;"a b c"


In the same way you can pass a sequential key-value pair to be interpreted as a property, you can pass a two argument function followed by a single argument. After all attributes and children are added to an element, these functions are applied to the elemnent and the argument.

 [goog.style :as gsty]

(.-style.height (d/div gsty/setHeight 300))
;;=> "300px"


Copyright © Justin Tirrell

Portions of code taken from hoplon. Copyright (c) Alan Dipert and Micha Niskin.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version. https://opensource.org/licenses/EPL-1.0