
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node.js API template


  • Read the rest of this README.md
  • Follow the Start project section
  • Run the tests
  • Start the server

After all is setup & running, feel free to remove the local git repository and initialize a new one, rename databases, and remove the sample source code.


This section is going to show a curated list of the packages and tools used for this project (to see the full list of dependencies take a look at package.json)

Start project

Start project with docker (recommended)

In order to start the project with docker you just need to execute the following script (you should have docker already installed and working on your machine)


The script assumes that you have a .env.sample file that file is going to be copied to a file with the name .env and it's going to be used to start the application

Start project manually

The following files needs to be copied and modified accordingly

$ cp .env.sample .env

After copy those files edit them to have the right values (ask a teammate if you don't know any of those values), then you will need to create the database to do Postres is required to be up and running (if you have it you can avoid the installation instructions for Postgres)

Install tools


The easiest way to install postres is using this app, just follow the instructions on their site and you will be ready to go (you might need to reload the terminal to have access to postgres app commands)

Version manager

To install all the tools required by the project you need a tool to manage the version of the tools. Using asdf-vm you can install all the tools, to install it you need to follow the instructions on https://asdf-vm.com/


If you want to manage node versions using asdf you need to install a plugin that is able to install the different node versions, to do that just type the following command

$ asdf plugin add nodejs

And then to install nodejs run the following command

$ asdf install nodejs 16.10.0

Install project dependencies

$ yarn install

Create database

Based on the information on the file .env (that you copy previously) create two databases on for test and one for development to do that just run the following command

$ createdb node_template_development
$ createdb node_template_test

Make sure those names matches what you have on .env

Start the project

$ yarn run dev

This command will start a dev server and every change that is made to the code is reflected on the terminal, that is running the code.

By default it will start the server port 3000. If you want to run the server in a different port, update the PORT environment variable


Migrate and seed database

If you are running the project with docker, first you need to enter to the terminal (inside the container), to do that just type the following command on your shell:

$ ./bin/terminal

Once you are there you can use the following commands to either migrate or seed the database, for none docker users just type the commands directly on the root of the project.

In order to have the latest schema on your database you need to run the following command:

$ yarn migrate:latest

Then to create some seed data for development the following command can be run:

$ npx knex seed:run


Code generators

  • To generate an entity scaffold: npx hygen generate scaffold
  • Make migration: npx hygen generate migration
  • Make seed: npx hygen generate seed

Running tests

To run the test just type the following command

$ yarn run test

ESLint & Prettier

To run the linter and fix try to fix issues automatically run the following command

$ yarn run lint -- --fix

Cleanup template files

The template has some example files like models, migrations, and tests for those models once you are comfortable with the template you can execute the following script to clean up the template:

$ ./bin/cleanup

Specific Documentation