
Small soft for tail log and send to remote server ekanited.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Small soft for tail log and send to remote server ekanited.

Base on

rfc5424 tail viper


Config name:



Config file find path:

  • .
  • .\config
  • $HOME/.remotelogtail
name: remotelogtail 
server:localhost                  # log server
serverPort:5514                   # log server port
  - name: test1.log               # log file name
    path: .\                      # log path   
    app:  test1                   # App name
    host: myhost1                 # server host
    mail: test@test.com    		  # mail
    version: 0.0.1                # version
  - name: test2.log
    path: .\
    app:  test2
    host: myhost2
    mail: test@test.com
    version: 3.2.1

remote server https://github.com/ekanite/ekanite

ekanite config

ekanited [options]
  -batchsize int
        Indexing batch size (default 300)
  -batchtime int
        Indexing batch timeout, in milliseconds (default 1000)
  -cpuprof string
        Where to write CPU profiling data. Not written if not set
  -datadir string
        Set data directory (default "/var/opt/ekanite")
  -diag string
        expvar and pprof bind address in the form host:port. If not set, not started (default "localhost:9951")
  -input string
        Message format of input (only syslog supported) (default "syslog")
  -maxpending int
        Maximum pending index events (default 1000)
  -memprof string
        Where to write memory profiling data. Not written if not set
  -numshards int
        Set number of shards per index (default 4)
  -query string
        TCP Bind address for query server in the form host:port. To disable setto empty string (default "localhost:9950")
  -queryhttp string
        TCP Bind address for http query server in the form host:port. To disableset to empty string (default "localhost:8080")
  -retention string
        Data retention period. Minimum is 24 hours (default "168h")
  -tcp string
        Syslog server TCP bind address in the form host:port. To disable set to empty string (default "localhost:5514")
  -tlskey string
        path to CA key file for TLS-enabled TCP server. If not set, TLS not activated
  -tlspem string
        path to CA PEM file for TLS-enabled TCP server. If not set, TLS not activated
  -udp string
        Syslog server UDP bind address in the form host:port. If not set, not started
ekanited -datadir .\logs