
Package Nim apps for multiple platforms

Primary LanguageNim

Crate - App packager for Nim

This tool packages your Nim GUI application for multiple platforms, handling cross-compilation automatically. It takes your Nim binary and app resources and bundles them into "crates". For example, an .app for Mac, .exe for Windows, .html for Web, etc.


  1. Install with nimble install https://github.com/jjv360/nim-crate
  2. Add Crate details to your source (optional)
  3. Run nimcrate myapp.nim to build your app for each platform
  4. Output apps are saved to the dist/ folder.

Specifying Crate information

You can define extra Crate information by adding the crate: section to the top of your main Nim file. Example:

import nimcrate
    id = "com.myapp"
    name = "My App"

See the docs for all available fields.