
Extra utilities for the Nim standard library.

Primary LanguageNim

Nim Extras (stdx)

This is a library of extra utility functions for the Nim standard library. Each extension to the standard lib is named after the module it extends, and is placed in the stdx package. It also exports the standard lib package, so you only need to replace std with stdx. For example, to use extra seq utils, you would do:

# Instead of this
import std/sequtils

# Do this
import stdx/sequtils

You can install stdx by running nimble install stdx

Why this?

Because I keep finding myself adding little one-line functions to my projects, and I'm tired of copy-pasting them around. So why not wrap them all up into a single package?

API Reference


  • awaitThread()

    Runs the clode block in a new thread and waits for it to finish with asyncdispatch. The specified vars are copied to the thread and are copied back afterwards.

    # Captured vars
    var myVar = 0
    # Run the thread and `await` it
        myVar = 1
    # Results are copied back
    echo myVar # 1


  • dynamicImport()

    Allows you to dynamically import functions from a shared library. The library will only be loaded the first time one of the functions is called.

    If a function can't be loaded, or the lib was not found, it will throw a standard Nim error when it's called.

    Extra pragmas:

    • importc pragma can be used to specify the name of the function to include, if it's different from the Nim proc name.
    • winapiOrdinal pragma can be used to load a function by it's ordinal number. (Windows only)
    • winapiVersion pragma can be used to fail if the current Windows version doesn't match. Can either be a single number in Major.Minor.Build format, or two versions separated by - to include all versions between them excluding the last one. See here for a list of Windows versions and here for the semver comparison lib used. (Windows only)
    # Import functions from an existing library on the system or next to the binary
        proc MessageBoxW(hWnd : uint, lpText : cstring, lpCaption : cstring, uType : uint) : int {.stdcall.}
    # Import functions from a library that will be embedded inside your application
    # Also optionally specify the name of the function to import
    dynamicImportFromData("mylib.dll", staticRead("mylib.dll")):
        proc MyFunction() {.stdcall, importc:"MyLib_MyFunction".}
    # Special case for Windows, load via ordinal number and limit to specific Windows versions
        proc SetPreferredAppMode(mode : int) {.stdcall, winapiOrdinal: 135, winapiVersion: "10.0.17763".}


  • downloadFile() with progress updates

    Asynchronously download a file from a URL, with progress callbacks.

    await newAsyncHttpClient().downloadFile(
        proc(currentBytes : uint64, totalBytes : uint64) =
            echo "Downloaded ", currentBytes, " of ", totalBytes, " bytes"


  • startNativeEventLoop() with async support

    Starts the system event loop (ie GetMessage/TranslateMessage/DispatchMessage on Windows) in a way that's compatible with asyncdispatch. If it's called multiple times, it will still only start the loop once.

    # Start the loop in parallel
    asyncCheck startNativeEventLoop()
    # Ensure asyncdispatch is running


  • exec(), execElevated(), execAsync(), execElevatedAsync()

    Executes a command and raises an error if the process exited with a non-zero exit code. The exe name and args must be provided individually. This comes in a few flavors:

    • exec - Standard run.
    • execElevated - Run with admin privileges. (Windows only)
    • execAsync - Run asynchronously.
    • execElevatedAsync - Run asynchronously with admin privileges. (Windows only)

    Note: On Windows, it's impossible to attach to the stdout/stderr streams of a higher-level process, so you won't see the output from elevated commands.

    # Standard run
    exec "notepad", "file.txt"
    # Elevated run
    execElevated "notepad", "file.txt"
    # Run asynchronously
    await execAsync("notepad", "file.txt")
    # Run elevated command asynchronously
    await execElevatedAsync("notepad", "file.txt")


  • findIt()

    Find an item inside a sequence using a predicate. Returns nil if not found.

    var items = @[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    var item = items.findIt(it == 3)
  • indexIt()

    Find an item inside a sequence using a predicate, and return it's index. Returns -1 if not found.

    var items = @[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    var item = items.indexIt(it == 3)
  • allZero()

    Returns true if all items in the seq are zeroed or null. Works with strings too.

    var items = @[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    if items.allZero:
        echo "All items are zero!"


  • newString() with filled bytes

    Creates a string of the specified length with all bytes set to a value.

    var str = newString(512, filledWith = 'A')