
More efficient network interaction for React Native apps.

Primary LanguageObjective-C


This is a promise-based socket networking library for React Native apps.

Add to your project

# Install as a dependency
npm install github:jjv360/react-native-network-stack

Usage examples

import { TCPSocket } from 'react-native-network-stack' 

// Connect to a socket and log all incoming data
let socket = await TCPSocket.connect('', 8080)

// Read each line and log it
while (true) {

    // Read data
    let data = await socket.read({ until: '\n', format: 'utf8' })

// Listen for incoming connections
let server = await TCPSocket.listen(8080)

// Send some text to each new client, then disconnect
while (true) {

    // Get new connection
    let client = await server.accept()

    // Send some data and disconnect
    await client.write('Hello!')
    await client.close()


Feature Support

Feature Android iOS Windows
TCPSocket class
Connect to remote socket
Accept incoming connections
Send and receive data
Read and write to file
File read/write progress
UDPSocket class
Send and receive data
Bind to multicast address
Data formats
UTF8 String