
Write Tizen watch apps for the Samsung Galaxy watches using Nim.

Primary LanguageNim


This tool allows you to write Tizen watch apps for the Samsung Galaxy watches using Nim.

Make sure your Tizen environment is set up correctly for building native applications. There are some guides here.


To install, clone this repo and then run nimble install. It works well with nim-classes, though you don't have to use it.

Example app

# Create file: tizen.config
main = "src/App.nim"
# Create file: src/app.nim
import tizenim/tizenapp
import tizenim/ui/window
import tizenim/ui/label
import tizenim/ui/view
import classes

# Create a window subclass
class MyWindow of Window:

    ## Called on create
    method onCreate() =

        # Create center label
        let centerLabel = Label().init()
        centerLabel.autoresizingFlags = { FlexibleTopMargin, FlexibleBottomMargin, FlexibleWidth }
        centerLabel.setPosition(20, this.frame.size.height/2)
        centerLabel.setSize(this.frame.size.width-40, 100)
        centerLabel.setText("<align=center>Hello world</align>")

# Create an app subclass
class MyApp of TizenApp:

    # On create
    method onCreate() =
        # Create and show my window
        discard MyWindow.new()
# Now make sure your watch is connected in the Device Manager, and then run the app:
$ tizenim launch

Config options

# Default values for the tizen.config file:
name = "Tizenim App"                    # Your app's name, appears in the app list
version = "1.0.0"                       # Your app's version
main = "src/app.nim"                    # Your app's entry point
packageID = "com.example.TizenimApp"    # Your app's unique package ID
resources = "res/"                      # All files in this folder will be installed with the app

# Advanced fields:
tizenSDK = "C:/tizen-studio"            # Path to your Tizen Studio installation
nimSDK = <auto>                         # Path to your Nim installation, with /bin/nim and /lib/system.nim files.