API REST for a weather app with diaries

Project Description


This project is a TypeScript-based backend application that integrates with MongoDB. It is designed to be used in conjunction with a frontend application for weather visualization. The backend follows best practices, utilizing Node.js and Express.js to provide a robust and efficient server-side solution.


  • MongoDB Integration: Seamlessly connect to a MongoDB database for efficient data storage and retrieval.
  • Weather Data Management: Handle weather data to provide relevant information to the frontend application.
  • TypeScript Development: Leverage the power of TypeScript to build a scalable and maintainable backend codebase.
  • Node.js and Express.js: Utilize the popular Node.js runtime and Express.js framework for efficient backend development.

Technologies Used

  • TypeScript: A statically typed superset of JavaScript, offering enhanced productivity and maintainability.
  • Node.js: A JavaScript runtime environment for server-side development.
  • Express.js: A web application framework for Node.js, providing robust routing and middleware features.
  • MongoDB: A NoSQL database for efficient data storage and retrieval.
  • Frontend Integration: The backend is designed to seamlessly integrate with a frontend application for weather visualization.


The backend application is developed using TypeScript, Node.js, and Express.js. MongoDB is used as the database for efficient data management. Continuous updates and improvements will be made throughout the development process.

Installation and Usage

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the required dependencies using npm install.
  3. Set up a MongoDB database and update the connection details in the configuration file.
  4. Build the application using npm run build.
  5. Start the application using npm start.
  6. Integrate the backend API with your frontend application for weather visualization.


Unit tests have been implemented using a testing framework (e.g., Jest or Mocha) and can be executed using the command npm test.


Contributions to this project are welcome. If you would like to contribute, please fork the repository and create a pull request following the guidelines in the CONTRIBUTING.md file.


This project is licensed under the MIT License, granting you the freedom to use, modify, and distribute the code as per the license terms.


For any questions or inquiries, please contact the project team at juanj.vergaram@gmail.com.