Data and code associated with Orihel, Baulch, Casson, North, Parsons, Seckar, and Venkiteswaran. 2017. Internal phosphorus loading in Canadian freshwaters: A critical review and data analysis. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 74(12): 2005-2029,
The raw data and R-scripts used to perform the analyses and create the figures are here:
- Internal_P_Review_Database_for_archive.mdb: MS Access database with six tables
- 01-Export data.R: R-script for pulling data from the mdb file via SQL commands or mdb.get
- 02-Assemble data.R: R-script for assembling the data tables, converting to common units, and preparing for further analysis
- 03-Figures.R: R-script for creating the data figures in the manuscript and associated statistics
- LAKES.csv: Lake information, see Appendix B
- PFLUX.csv: Phosphorus fluxes, see Appendix B
- POREP.csv: Porewater phosphorus
- REF.csv: References that identify the source of the data
- SITES.csv: Site specific information, see Appendix B
- PFLUX_assembled.csv: Assembled data file (created in "02-Assemble data.R") that can be used to perform the analyses and create the figures
The R-scripts for the analyses and figures require (at the very least):
- RODBC or Hmisc to export the tables from the mdb file
- ggplot2, grid, gridExtra, GGally, Cairo, dplyr, tidyr
Thanks to the authors of these packages.