- 0xjimBrooklyn, NY
- adrianricardoAustin, Texas
- aeolianethPlanet Yolo
- amsosGovrn
- arden深圳市土椒科技有限公司
- AXE02SRM Institute of Science and Technology
- ccerv1@opensource-observer
- chappydbozAIRSHP
- hardiktheprogrammer@Nad-DAO @zkLayer
- intvirtue
- jcsteinCelestia Labs
- jigglyjams
- jjranalli@slice-so @decentralizedlabs
- JNYHMetis
- lakai
- logonaut
- mackbowes
- meowyxConsensys
- mikedemarais@rainbow-me
- miraz4747
- nakedfool
- naomiHauretHaunted Haus
- PaoloCalzone
- princeboucherSF
- projectmehariMontreal
- QuangTho88
- Ricy137Los Angeles
- ryanberckmans@3cities
- salieflewisLifeworld
- sarahdwldn
- scottrepreneurYield Field of Dreams
- shunkakinoki@LightDotSo
- Syahrulcjr
- tomquirk@jbx-protocol
- wanghuiwds
- westonnelson@NFTEarth