1. Overview

  • Project Name : Seoul_BusStop_map
  • This project is for generating Seoul Bus stop map using pydeck. To get a quick intuition, see the images below .

2. Sample IMG

3. Dependency

  • Python : ver. 3.7.6
  • Pydeck : ver. 0.3.0
  • pandas : ver. 1.0.1

4. Usage

  • Set MapboxAccessToken
      To see the base map, you need a Mapbox access token. 
      Go (https://www.mapbox.com/) and make account.
      Add to environment variable like "MAPBOX_API_KEY = "your mapbox api token (start from pk...)"
  • Sample Data img

  • Execute Program
    > python bus_stop_program.py -r 10 -g 10 -b 10
  • Option Description
    > python bus_stop_program.py -h
    -r : Red bus line weight
    -g : Green bus line weight
    -b : Blue bus line weight

5. Version

  • Current up-to-date version : v1.0.0