The reference implementation of
uses CentOS 6.5 box with puppet 3.4.0
creates a patched 10.3.6 WebLogic cluster ( admin,node1 , node2 )
site.pp is located here:
Add the all the Oracle binaris to /software, edit Vagrantfile and update
- admin.vm.synced_folder "/Users/edwin/software", "/software"
- node1.vm.synced_folder "/Users/edwin/software", "/software"
- node2.vm.synced_folder "/Users/edwin/software", "/software"
used the following software
- jdk-7u45-linux-x64.tar.gz
weblogic 10.3.6
- wls1036_generic.jar
Using the following facts
- environment => "development"
- vm_type => "vagrant"
vagrant up admin
vagrant up node1
vagrant up node2
Detailed vagrant steps (setup) can be found here:
For Mac Users. The procedure has been and run tested on Mac.