
The dataset consists of three files containing timeseries entries, an overview of all treatment sessions and an overview of all patients. To reduce the amount of data only a subset of patients has records in the timeseries data. This modified dataset originates from the following paper:

Lin, CJ., Chen, YY., Pan, CF. et al. Dataset supporting blood pressure prediction for the management of chronic hemodialysis. Sci Data 6, 313 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-019-0319-8


To get into a discussion please prepare a short presentation (15min) on the following questions and tasks.

  • What is hemodialysis about?
  • What are challenges patients and doctors are facing in this domain? What is intradialytic hypotension (IDH)?
  • Identify three influencing factors that may be correlated to IDH.
  • Finally perform an exploratory data analysis and investigate the influence of the previously identified factors on IDH using the given dataset.

Overview of columns

The different datasets can by link by patient_id and treatment_id. In the treatment overview and patient data columns starting with min, max and avg are computed by calculating the minimum, maximum and average value of the respected column regarding a single treatment or a specific patient. A description of the columns is given in the tables below. Columns starting with min, max, avg are not listed.

Timeseries dataset

Column Description
patient_id Patient ID
date_of_treatment Date of treatment
session_number Number of session for patient
minute_of_treatment Minute of measurement
tsp_dialysisstart Date and time of dialysis start
tsp_dialysisend Date and time of dialysis end
dialysis_lengh_in_m Duration of dialysis session
sbp_systolic_blood_pressure Systolic blood pressure [mmHg]
dbp_diastolic_blood_pressure Diastolic blood pressure [mmHg]
dialysate_temp_value Dialysate temperature [°C]
conductivity Conductivity of dialysate [mS/cm]
uf_ultrafiltration_rate Ultrafiltration rate [l/h]
blood_flow Blood flow [ml/min]
bp_measurement_number Count of blood pressure measurement.
is_hypotension If sbp_systolic_blood_pressure is lower than 90mmHg the entry is marked as true.
ts_measurement The absolute timestamp of the measurement averaged to 1 minute.
change_sbp_to_last_m Shows how the systolic blood pressure has changed in comparison to one minute ago.
change_dbp_to_last_m Shows how the diastolic blood pressure has changed in comparison to one minute ago.
change_uf_to_last_m Shows how the Ultrafiltration Rate was changed in comparison to one minute ago.
uf_was_stopped_counter One if Ultrafiltration Rate was set to zero and one minute ago it was not zero.
blood_flow_was_stopped_counter One if blood_flow Rate was set to zero and one minute ago it was not zero.
change_blood_flow_to_last_m Shows how the Blood Flow was changed in comparison to one minute ago.
change_conductivity_to_last_m Shows how the conductivity was changed in comparison to one minute ago.
treatment_id Treatment ID

Timeseries overview

Column Description
patient_id Patient ID
date_of_treatment Date of treatment
session_number Number of session for patient
birthday Birthday
first_dialysis Date of first dialysis
has_diabetes Boolean indicating if a patient has diabetes.
gender Gender oft he patient
age_at_first_dialysis Calculated from “Year of first dialysis” – “year of birth”
time_in_hypotension_m count of minutes in timeseries where is_hypotension = true
pct_time_in_hypotension Calculated from time_in_hypotension_m / dialysis_lengh_in_m [%]
dialysis_lengh_in_m Duration of dialysis session [min]
uf_was_stopped_counter How often was Ultrafiltration Rate set to zero during this dialysis session.
blood_flow_was_stopped_counter How often was blood_flow set to zero during this dialysis session.
is_hypotension_nadir_lt_90 If sbp_systolic_blood_pressure was at least once lower than 90mmHg during the session the entry is marked as true.
is_hypotension_drop_ge_20 If sbp_systolic_blood_pressure was at least once lower than 90mmHg during the session the entry is marked as true.
number_of_bp_measurements Total number of blood pressure measurements
age_at_treatment Calculated from “Year of dialysis session” – “year of birth”
years_since_first_treatment Calculated from “Year of dialysis session” – “year of first dialysis”
weightstart Patient’s weight at the beginning of the session
dryweight Target weight of the session
weightend Patient’s weight at the end of the session
diff_to_dry_start difference between dryweight (target weight) and weightstart (weight before dialysis)
diff_to_dry_end difference between dryweight (target weight) and weightend (weight after dialysis)
weight_loss difference between weightstart (weight before dialysis) and weightend (weight after dialysis)
body_temperature Patients’s temperature
treatment_id Treatment ID

Patient dataset

Column Description
patient_id Patient ID
birthday Birthday
first_dialysis Date of first dialysis
age_at_first_dialysis Calculated from “Year of first dialysis” – “year of birth”
has_diabetes Boolean indicating if a patient has diabetes.
gender Gender oft he patient
num_treatments How many treatments do we have in the dataset for this specific patient
num_hypotension_nadir_lt_90 Shows how many treatments of this patient have at least one hypotension defined by a systolic blood pressure less than 90 mmHg.
num_hypotension_drop_ge_20 Shows how many treatments of this patient have at least one hypotension defined by a drop of systolic blood presser greater or equal than 20 mmHg.
has_timeseries_in_small_subset Boolean indicating if this patient ID is present in the timeseries data