Nginx Docker demo

This demo shows how to use dockerized Nginx.

  • Auto indexer (with custom nginx-indexer)
  • Reverse proxy for web app
  • Docker Registry

Before staring these services, run export DOMAIN=xxx to set your base domain, or create .env file under relevant directory. For ssh-proxy, SSHPORT should be set. For ip-report, REPORTPORT should be set.

In order to proxy the nginx-proxy container and the web app container must be on the same Docker network.

When you run a multi-container web app with docker-compose, Docker attaches the containers to a default network. The default network is different from the bridge network that containers run with the docker run command attach to.

To resolve this, create a new Docker network.

docker network create --driver bridge proxy-network

Nginx Proxy with Simpole Static file service

cd nginx-proxy
docker-compose up -d

open http://download.$DOMAIN

Docker Registry

  1. create certificate and set HTTPS

    openssl req \
      -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -sha256 -keyout certs/hub.$DOMAIN.key \
      -x509 -days 365 -out certs/hub.$DOMAIN.crt

    e.g. for Mac users:

    security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain ca.crt

    NOTE: You need to restart Docker for Mac after making any changes to the keychain or to the ~/.docker/certs.d directory in order for the changes to take effect.

  2. apply access control

    cd docker-registry
    mkdir auth
    docker run --rm \
    --entrypoint htpasswd \
    registry:2 -Bbn testuser testpasswd > auth/htpasswd
  3. run

    docker-compose up -d

try docker login hub.$DOMAIN

Nodejs App

cd nodeapp
docker-compose up -d

open http://nodeapp.$DOMAIN

SpringBoot App

cd SimpleSpringBoot
./mvnw clean package -DskipTests
docker build -t jkadbear/jura .
docker run -d --name jura --rm \
    -e VIRTUAL_HOST=jura.$DOMAIN jkadbear/jura

open http://jura.DOMAIN

IP Report

cd ip-report
docker-compose up -d

open http://$DOMAIN:$REPORTPORT/ip

SSH proxy

cd ssh-proxy
cp nginx.conf.example nginx.conf # edit IP and SSHPORT
docker-compose up -d