Hybrid Computer Job Submission Tool

General Usage

Help output:

qmanager 0.1.0
Jan Christian Kaessens <j.kaessens@ikmb.uni-kiel.de>


    -h, --help        Prints help information
        --insecure    Use plain TCP instead of SSL/TLS
    -V, --version     Prints version information

        --ca <ca>...    Set CA certificate

    daemon          Starts the Queue Manager Daemon
    help            Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

--insecure= - Use plain TCP instead of SSL/TLS

Disables all SSL/TLS functionality. Instead, only plain, insecure TCP communication is used. Therefore, --insecure cannot be used with --ca or daemon --cert.

--ca <ca>... - Set CA certificate

Adds the specified CA certificates to the verification chain to verify the server certificate if its issuers are not in the caller’s system certificate store. By default, only the system certificate store is used.

Subcommand daemon

Starts the Queue Manager Daemon

    qmanager daemon [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --cert <cert>

    -h, --help        Prints help information
        --insecure    Use plain TCP instead of SSL/TLS
    -V, --version     Prints version information

        --cert <cert>          Set SSL Certificate
        --pidfile <pidfile>    Set PID file location
        --port <port>          Set TCP port to listen on

--cert <cert> - Set the server’s SSL certificates

Specifies the server’s PKCS#12 certificate. The certificate bundle must contain the whole trust chain in ascending order. This option conflicts with the --insecure flag.

--pidfile <pidfile> - Set PID file location

If specified, stores the daemon’s PID in this file and places an exclusive lock on it while the daemon is running. Can be used to manage the daemon by systemd, upstart, supervisord, etc.

--port <port> - Set TCP port to listen on

If specified, sets the TCP port the daemon will listen on for connection requests. Defaults to 1337.

Subcommand queue-status

Displays the job queue in a (currently) very crude way, does not support arguments (besides --insecure and --ca).

Subcommand submit

Submits a job

    qmanager submit [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <cmdline>

    -h, --help        Prints help information
        --insecure    Use plain TCP instead of SSL/TLS
    -V, --version     Prints version information

        --ca <ca>...                     Set CA certificate
    -d, --duration <duration>            Specify expected duration for process in seconds. Not used internally, only for
                                         your bookkeeping
        --notify-cmd <notify-cmd>        Execute a command upon job termination


-d, --duration <duration> - Specify expected duration for process in seconds

Just what it says. It is not used internally, but could be used by external programs to determine the total queue runtime.

--notify-cmd <notify-cmd> - Execute a command upon job termination

Executes a command on the server. The job description is fed to this command in JSON format through standard input. Can be used to call RPC methods on webservers (using curl) or send emails with job descriptions (using sendmail). This command is likely to be removed due to security issues.