This is my gallery of Ubersicht Widgets for my desktop setup.
There is a gallery of useful widgets here. Generally, I take standard widgets and download them and modify them to fit my style. This means I move them on the desktop, change the colors, change fonts, and try to unify everything.
Disclaimer: These widgets are arbitrary code! I scrub them for malicious behaviors, but there is no guarantee that they are without vulnerabilities.
cd ~
git clone
- Download and install Ubersicht
- Open Ubersicht
- Click Ubersicht -> Preferences
- Choose "CMD" as the Interaction Shortcut
- Click "Widgets Folder"
- Change to "~/ubersicht-widgets"
- Restart Ubersicht
The following are a list of widgets that I keep because they are useful, but I generally have them disabled. There is no way in the widget itself to set its default state to empty, so you will need to do this manually.
- BackgroundGrid.widget
Ubersicht and Desktop icons can coexist, but it can get confusing. The following can be used to hide desktop icons.
defaults write CreateDesktop false
sudo killall Finder