
The widgets I maintain

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Ubersicht Widgets

This is my gallery of Ubersicht Widgets for my desktop setup.

There is a gallery of useful widgets here. Generally, I take standard widgets and download them and modify them to fit my style. This means I move them on the desktop, change the colors, change fonts, and try to unify everything.

Disclaimer: These widgets are arbitrary code! I scrub them for malicious behaviors, but there is no guarantee that they are without vulnerabilities.


  1. cd ~
  2. git clone git@github.com:jkamenik/ubersicht-widgets.git
  3. Download and install Ubersicht
  4. Open Ubersicht
  5. Click Ubersicht -> Preferences
  6. Choose "CMD" as the Interaction Shortcut
  7. Click "Widgets Folder"
  8. Change to "~/ubersicht-widgets"
  9. Restart Ubersicht

Disabled Widgets

The following are a list of widgets that I keep because they are useful, but I generally have them disabled. There is no way in the widget itself to set its default state to empty, so you will need to do this manually.

  1. BackgroundGrid.widget

Disable Desktop Icon

Ubersicht and Desktop icons can coexist, but it can get confusing. The following can be used to hide desktop icons.

defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop false
sudo killall Finder