NOAA astrological algorithms for sunrise and sunset ported to Go
func CalcSunrise(t time.Time, latitude float64, longitude float64) time.Time
calculates the sunrise, in local time, on the day t at the location specified in longitude and latitude.func NextSunrise(tAfter time.Time, latitude float64, longitude float64) (tSunrise time.Time)
returns date/time of the next sunrise after tAfterfunc CalcSunset(t time.Time, latitude float64, longitude float64) time.Time
calculates the sunset, in local time, on the day t at the location specified in longitude and latitude.func NextSunset(tAfter time.Time, latitude float64, longitude float64) (tSunset time.Time)
returns date/time of the next sunset after tAfter
func CalcDawn(t time.Time, latitude float64, longitude float64, solarElevation float64) time.Time
calculates Dawn or Sunrise (depending on solarElevation given), in local time, on the day t at the location specified in longitude and latitude.func CalcDusk(t time.Time, latitude float64, longitude float64, solarElevation float64) time.Time
calculates Dusk or Sunset (depending on solarElevation given), in local time, on the day t at the location specified in longitude and latitude.func NextDawn(tAfter time.Time, latitude float64, longitude float64, solarElevation float64) (tSunrise time.Time)
returns date/time of the specified solarElevation before Sunrise after tAfterfunc NextDusk(tAfter time.Time, latitude float64, longitude float64, solarElevation float64) (tSunrise time.Time)
returns date/time of the specified solarElevation after Sunset after tAfter.
go get -u
package main
import (
const LATITUDE = float64(38.8895)
const LONGITUDE = float64(77.0352)
func main() {
t := astrotime.NextSunrise(time.Now(), LATITUDE, LONGITUDE)
tzname, _ := t.Zone()
fmt.Printf("The next sunrise at the Washington Monument is %d:%02d %s on %d/%d/%d.\n", t.Hour(), t.Minute(), tzname, t.Month(), t.Day(), t.Year())