
Search and play your music with iTunes or Spotify from inside Emacs.

Primary LanguageEmacs LispMIT LicenseMIT

Helm iTunes

Search and play your music with iTunes or Spotify from inside Emacs.

helm-itunes screenshot


M-x helm-itunes and search for either a song, artist, or album in your iTunes library.

(The search begins after you’ve typed at least 2 characters. You can use space-separated terms for psuedo-fuzzy matching.)

M-x helm-itunes-player to play songs through Spotify instead of iTunes.


Ready to use.

Currently only supports OS X.


  • Symbols in song titles will sometimes prevent the song from playing in iTunes. Tracks are "percent-encoded" when played through Spotify, so they do not have this problem.

  • Each search is somehow being repeated, causing iTunes to open and close various times.

Other Info

If you don't want to use helm, you could potentially replicate its functionality using buttons and writing the result to a temporary buffer.


Inspired by Kris Jenkins' helm-spotify.