

make install
docker-compose up

Now when you open docker-compose.yml you can see public port, for node application its 9100. You can test it via http://localhost:9100/status


Install modules from docker

docker-compose run --rm app npm i npm install --save @hapi/joi


To run test you need have running redis container (docker-compose up).

make test

Homework (todo)

Create Simple OAuth server to provide authorize and token methods.

  • register client ( POST /clients/:id this method is only for internal usage to manage available clients)
  • then get code via authorize method (GET /oauth/authorize)
  • with this code you should be able call token method (GET /oauth/token) and get access token. when code was not created by authorize method, returns error.
  • with access token you should be able access to protected section GET /api/test

Make some usage-tests in jest as example how it works. There is no need to make OAuth specification compatible server rather show

  • how you can deal with async/await
  • how you can write tests

They are used some "recommended" libs you can use...

  • koa - routing
  • joi - validation
  • jest - testing
  • ioredis - redis client
  • axios - request client
  • node-injectable - dependency builder via comment hints


NOTE: they are some libs like auth-server, koa-oauth-server and others but not recommended to use, they have issues or no longer maintained.