
Example Node application built using Hapi, TypeScript, and MongoDB

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Example Node application using TypeScript, Hapi, & MongoDB

This is an example node application built using TypeScript 1.5.0-beta and Hapi 8.8.0.


  • Have Node v0.10.36 or higher installed
  • Have MongoDB installed and a local server running
  • Have TypeScript 1.5.0-beta or higher installed globally (npm i -g tsd typescript@^1.5.3-beta)
  • Code quality is maintained with the help of TSLint


  • Run git clone https://github.com/BrandonCKrueger/ts-hapi-mongo.git to clone the repository
  • Run npm install to install dependencies
  • Run tsd install to install TypeScript typings dependencies (node, hapi, joi, bluebird, mongodb)
  • Compile the TypeScript
    • From Terminal: `gulp'
    • From VSCode: CMD + SHIFT + B for Mac | CTRL + SHIFT + B for Windows
  • Run gulp develop from the terminal, or debug from VSCode to start the server on port 3000

Available Routes

Base Routes

  • GET /: Returns simple text that you've reached the base route using a GET
  • POST /: Returns simple text that you've reached the base route using a POST

Data Routes

  • Get /users: Returns a list of Users(username: string, age: number) from the database
  • Post /user: Accepts a JSON object with a username: string parameter and age: number.integer, adds that object to the Users list and returns the new list

Unit Tests

  • Unit tests are done using Mocha and Chai
  • Unit tests code quality is maintained with the help of ESLint
  • To run unit tests: mocha "tests/**/*.spec.js"