membrane ecs infraestructure

Terraform ECS scrips for membrane


  • Change the cloud organization and workspace to your organization
  • The values for AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY should be saved as environment variables on your workspace.


optional: setup your preference name and config in all

initialize terraform code from membrane-infraestructure cloned repo

terraform init

review your plan strategy

terraform plan

execute your plan

terraform apply -auto-approve

Documentation about infrastructure in this scripts


Creates an Elastic Container Registry with associated pull & push policies. The created pull & push policies can be used as policy attachments on AWS roles.


Setup a basic and ECS (type EC2) cluster with the needed IAM rights. tasks definition, services and container definition


Setup a basic t2.micro EC2 instace to be used as container instance in ecs-cluster with the needed IAM rights. created on default vpc

Available main variables:

  • [repository_name]: String: ECR repository name
  • [cluster_name]: String: ECS cluster name
  • [service_name]: String: ECS service name
  • [task_family]: String: ECS task definition name
  • [app_count]: Number: EC2 instances number
  • [container_name]: String: Container definition name
  • [container_cpu]: Number: Container definition cpu usage
  • [container_mem]: Number: Container definition mem usage
  • [container_port]: Number: Container definition port
  • [host_port]: Number: Container instance host port

Available module ec2 variables:

  • [sg_ingress_tcp_port]: String: Segurity Group allowed ingress tcp port from anywhere
  • [iam_role_name]: String: IAM role name to allow ec2 opearte with ecs
  • [ec2_count]: Number: desired container instances ec2
  • [ec2_type]: String: ec2 instance type
  • [ec2_ami]: String: Special AMI with ECS agent (default is valid on us-east-1)
  • [ec2_tag_name]: String: ec2 tag name
  • [cluster_name]: String: ecs cluster name to associate the ec2 instance

terraform cloud & GH actions

all states are store on jkauze organization in Lattice_Test workspace. this is automated with terraform automation and github actions, at the firts commit it created the infrastructure the following commits it ask for approvals to deploy the new change

STATE: membrane-backend Deployed