This is simple application created using awesome Godot Engine for testing animation prepared in Spine.
You can download win32|win64 binary or build app for any OS.
- Press "Open file" button and select .json file exported from Spine
- Or just drag .json file from file system to window
- Drag animation for positioning and zoom using mouse wheel
- Change animations using buttons under "Animations" menu region
- If you won't simple blend between animation transitions turn off "Blend transitions"
- Use "Show Bones/Region/Meshes" for debug draws.
- Sandbox support only text based json animations exported from Spine.
- Sandbox awaits .json, .atlas and .png files with same name at same location.
- Sandbox awaits valid .png file name inside .atlas file
To build sandbox for your OS, you need build Godot 2.1 with godot-spine-module. You also need to configure enviroment for building godot.
git clone
git clone -b 2.1
cd godot
git submodule add modules/spine
scons platform=osx|linux|windows
bin/godot ../godot-spine-sandbox/game