This is fork of ff2mpv-dbus that uses xdg-open to play the video. This allows the extension to work on Wayland and within sandboxes like firejail.
Options are currently not passed
cp ff2mpv.desktop ~/.local/share/applications
# Replace $FF2MPV_PATH with the path to the ff2mpv-dbus directory (could also be path to wherever is)
sed -i 's|$FF2MPV_PATH|'"$(pwd)"'|' ~/.local/share/applications/ff2mpv.desktop
xdg-mime default ff2mpv.desktop x-scheme-handler/mpv
Lastly, edit your ~/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/ff2mpv.json to point to the python script in this repository.
The source code in this repository is licensed under a modified MIT License.
The icons in this repository are licensed by the MPV team under GNU LGPL, version 2.1.