Proof of concept for abusing Telegram's "People Near Me" feature and tracking people's location
- AaronDewes@runcitadel
- albaspina
- alexandregv@42Paris
- ambelghi42
- besellem
- chouaibhm
- cookiengineer@tholian-network
- dragonis41Moji
- Dustin42CodamCodam Coding College
- ebertin42Paris
- EuanHoll
- EyupErgin@ThreatMon
- GONZOsintHagakure
- greg040
- HylkeReindersHylke Reinders
- iTeije
- likeadragonmaid
- macosta-4242
- Mafija1605
- MichelleJiamCodam Coding College
- Mindgamesnl@imaginefun
- NaamloosProvrex B.V.
- ofu-hubRussia
- ojoethFactory Internet LTD
- OscarMulderCodam Coding College
- PitaHat
- pmerkuCodam Coding College
- s1dl3
- saadazghourSomewhere in Morocco
- satan1a
- seamustuohy
- solareenloJapan
- thdelmasSherpa Advisory SLU
- Wh0aleChina
- XanaDublaKublaConch45º52. 6S, 123º23. 6W
- yuri-1987me-midwest-1