
Declarative, configurable data (API) access for Redux

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StudioKit Net Library

A library for declarative, configurable data (API) access with built-in retry, periodic refresh, and concurrency handling.

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. API
  4. Development

For in-vivo examples of how to use this library, see the example react app and the example react native app


Install this library and redux-saga as a dependency

  1. yarn add studiokit-net-js
  2. yarn add redux-saga (which depends on redux itself)
  3. Create a reducers.js module that includes the reducer from this library, i.e.
    import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
    import { reducers as netReducers } from 'studiokit-net-js'
    export default combineReducers({
    	models: netReducers.fetchReducer
  4. Create an endpointMappings.js module specifying a mapping of any APIs you will call in your application. All configuration properties are set under _config. Fetch request specific default properties are set on _config.fetch, i.e.
    const endpointMappings = {
    	publicData: {
    		_config: {
    			fetch: {
    				path: 'https://httpbin.org/get',
    				queryParams: {
    					foo: 'bar'
    export default endpointMappings
  5. Create a rootSaga.js module that includes the fetchSaga from this library, i.e.
    import { all } from 'redux-saga/effects'
    import { sagas as netSagas } from 'studiokit-net-js'
    import endpointMappings from '../../endpointMappings'
    export default function* rootSaga() {
    	yield all({
    		fetchSaga: netSagas.fetchSaga(
  6. Wire up your store in your app (perhaps in index.js) with the above, i.e.
    import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga'
    import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'
    import reducer from './redux/reducers'
    import rootSaga from './redux/sagas/rootSaga'
    const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware()
    const store = createStore(


Once you have the above steps completed, you can dispatch actions to the store and the data will be fetched and populated in the redux store, i.e.

import { dispatchAction } from '../services/actionService'
import { actions as netActions } from 'studiokit-net-js'
store.dispatch({ type: netActions.DATA_REQUESTED, modelName: 'publicData' })

Once the data is fetched, it will live in the redux store at the models.publicData key, i.e.

models: {
	publicData: {
		data: { foo: 'bar', baz: ['quux', 'fluux']},
		isFetching: false,
		hasError: false,
		fetchedAt: "2017-05-23T20:38:11.103Z"


Actions are dispatched using the following keys in the action object for configuring the request

type FetchAction = {
	modelName: string,
	guid?: string
	method?: string,
	headers?: Object,
	queryParams?: Object,
	pathParams?: Object,
	noStore?: boolean,
	period?: number,
	taskId?: string,
	noRetry?: boolean
	contentType?: string
  • modelName refers to the path to the fetch configuration key found in endpointMappings.js
  • guid is an optional pre-generated (by your application) GUID that will be attached to a fetch result's data, to be stored in redux and used to match request results in components
  • method is an optional string used as the HTTP Method for the fetch. Otherwise will use the method set in endpointMappings.js, or 'GET'
  • headers is an optional object used as key/value pairs to populate the request headers
  • queryParams is an optional object used as key/value pairs to populate the query parameters
  • pathParams is an optional array of values to be replaced in the fetch path using pattern matching, in order, e.g. [1, 2] and /collection/{:id}/subcollection/{:id} => /collection/1/subcollection/2
  • noStore is an optional boolean that, if true, indicates the request should be made without storing the response in the redux store
  • period is an optional number of milliseconds after which a request should repeat when dispatching a recurring fetch
  • taskId is a string that must be passed to a recurring fetch for future cancellation
  • noRetry will prevent the use of the default logarithmic backoff retry strategy

The following actions can be dispatched

  • DATA_REQUESTED: This will fetch the data specified at the modelName key of the action
  • PERIODIC_DATA_REQUESTED: This will fetch the data specified at the modelName key at an interval specified by the period key in the action. This also requires you to generate and pass a taskId key for subsequent cancellation
  • PERIODIC_TERMINATION_REQUESTED: This will cause the periodic fetch identified by taskId to be cancelled
  • DATA_REQUESTED_USE_LATEST: This will fetch data specified at the modelName key, using only the latest result in time if multiple requests are dispatched at the same time (i.e. others are started with the same modelName before some are completed)


Given the following endpointMappings.js

	basicData: {
		_config: {
			fetch: {
				path: 'https://httpbin.org/get'
	futurama: {
		_config: {
			fetch: {
				path: 'https://www.planetexpress.com/api/goodNewsEveryone',
				queryParams: {
					doctor: 'zoidberg'
	theWalkers: {
		_config: {
			fetch: {
				path: 'https://thewalkingdead/api/walker/{:walkerId}',
				pathParams: {
					walkerId: 1
	theOffice: {
		_config: {
			fetch: {
				path: 'https://dundermifflin.com/api/paper'
				headers: {
					'Content-Type': 'x-beet-farmer'
	aGrouping: {
		apiOne: {
			_config: {
				fetch: {
					path: '/api/one'
		apiTwo: {
			_config: {
				fetch: {
					path: '/api/two/{{models.futurama.zoidberg}}'
	basicPost: {
		_config: {
			fetch: {
				path: '/api/createSomeThing'
				method: 'POST'
	basicPostTwo: {
		_config: {
			fetch: {
				path: '/api/createSomeKnownThing'
				method: 'POST',
				body: { person: 'Fry' }
	entities: {
		_config: {
			fetch: {
				path: '/api/entities'
			isCollection: true
	topLevelEntities: {
		_config: {
			isCollection: true
		secondLevelEntities: {
			_config: {
				isCollection: true

You can make the following types of requests:
Basic Fetch
Nested Model
Add Headers
Add Query Params
Periodic Fetch
Cancel Periodic Fetch
No Store
Nested Collections

Basic fetch:


	type: netActions.DATA_REQUESTED,
	modelName: 'basicData'

request generated

GET https://httpbin.org/get

resulting redux

	models: {
		basicData: {
			foo: 'bar',
			_metadata: {
				isFetching: false,
				hasError: false,
				fetchedAt: '2017-05-23T20:38:11.103Z'

Nested model:


	type: netActions.DATA_REQUESTED,
	modelName: 'aGrouping.apiOne'

request generated

GET https://myapp.com/api/one

resulting redux

	models: {
		aGrouping: {
			apiOne: {
				foo: 'bar',
				_metadata: {
					isFetching: false,
					hasError: false,
					fetchedAt: '2017-05-23T20:38:11.103Z'

Add headers:


	type: netActions.DATA_REQUESTED,
	modelName: 'basicData',
	headers: {'Accept-Charset': 'utf-8'}

request generated

Accept-Charset: utf-8
GET https://httpbin.org/get

resulting redux

Same as basic fetch above, with possibly different data, depending on response relative to additional header

Note: Headers specified in the action will be merged with headers specified in endpointMappings.js with the headers in the action taking precedence

Add query params:


	type: netActions.DATA_REQUESTED,
	modelName: 'basicData',
	queryParams: {robot: 'bender'}

request generated

GET https://httpbin.org/get?robot=bender

resulting redux

Same as basic fetch above, with possibly different data, depending on response relative to new query params

Note: Query parameters specified in the action will be merged with query parameters specified in endpointMappings.js with the query params in the action taking precedence

Add route params:


	type: netActions.DATA_REQUESTED,
	modelName: 'theWalkers',
	queryParams: {walkerId: 1}

request generated

GET https://thewalkingdead/api/walker/1

resulting redux

Same as basic fetch above, with possibly different data, depending on response relative to new route params

Note: Route parameters specified in the action will be merged with route parameters specified in endpointMappings.js with the route params in the action taking precedence

Periodic fetch:


	modelName: 'basicData',
	period: 1000,
	taskId: 'something-random'

request generated

GET https://httpbin.org/get

resulting redux

Same as basic fetch above, but refreshing every 1000ms, replacing the data key in redux with new data and updating the fetchedAt key

Cancel periodic fetch:


	modelName: 'basicData',
	taskId: 'something-random'

request generated


resulting redux

Same as basic fetch above with data and fetchedAt reflecting the most recent fetch before the cancellation request

No store:


	type: netActions.DATA_REQUESTED,
	modelName: 'basicData',
	noStore: true

request generated

GET https://httpbin.org/get

resulting redux

No change to the redux store. Your application can create its own sagas and use take and friends in redux-saga, however, to watch for responses and cause side-effects



	type: netActions.DATA_REQUESTED,
	modelName: 'basicPost',
	body: {
		ruleOne: "Don't talk about Fight Club",
		ruleTwo: "Don't talk about Fight Club"

request generated

Content-Type: application/json
POST https://myapp.com/api/createSomeThing
{"ruleOne": "Don't talk about Fight Club","ruleTwo": "Don't talk about Fight Club"}

resulting redux

Same as basic fetch above, with the data key containing the response data from the POST request

Post with form data:


	type: netActions.DATA_REQUESTED,
	modelName: 'basicPost',
	body: new FormData(),
	contentType: 'multipart/form-data'

request generated

Content-Type: multipart/form-data; XXX boundary--------
POST https://myapp.com/api/createSomeThing
(formData values)

resulting redux

Same as basic fetch above, but with Content-Type equals to multipart/form-data


GET all


	type: netActions.DATA_REQUESTED,
	modelName: 'entities'

request generated

GET https://myapp.com/api/entities

resulting redux

	models: {
		entities: {
			1: {
				id: 1, 
				_metadata: {
					isFetching: false,
					hasError: false,
					fetchedAt: '2017-05-23T20:38:11.103Z'
			_metadata: {
				isFetching: false,
				hasError: false,
				fetchedAt: '2017-05-23T20:38:11.103Z'

GET item


	type: netActions.DATA_REQUESTED,
	modelName: 'entities',
	pathParams: [1]

request generated

GET https://myapp.com/api/entities/1

resulting redux
Updates item in store at entities.1

POST item


	type: netActions.DATA_REQUESTED,
	modelName: 'entities',
	method: 'POST',
	body: {
		name: 'entity name'

request generated

Content-Type: application/json
POST https://myapp.com/api/entities/1
{"name": "entity name"}

resulting redux
Adds item in store at entities under the return object's id

During the request, status is stored in entities under a guid key, which can be provided in the action for tracking

PATCH item


	type: netActions.DATA_REQUESTED,
	modelName: 'entities',
	method: 'PATCH'
	pathParams: [1],
	body: {
		op: 'replace',
		path: 'Name',
		value: 'updated group name'

request generated

Content-Type: application/json
PATCH https://myapp.com/api/entities/1
{"op": "replace", "path": "Name", "value": "updated group name"}

resulting redux
Updates item in store at entities.1

See http://jsonpatch.com/



	type: netActions.DATA_REQUESTED,
	modelName: 'entities',
	method: 'DELETE'
	pathParams: [1]

request generated

DELETE https://myapp.com/api/entities/1

resulting redux
Removes item in store at entities.1

Nested Collections

Nested collections behave the same as normal collections, but require a pathParams to have at least one value per nested level.

GET all


	type: netActions.DATA_REQUESTED,
	modelName: 'topLevelEntities.secondLevelEntities',
	pathParams: [1]

request generated

GET https://myapp.com/api/topLevelEntities/1/secondLevelEntities

resulting redux

	models: {
		topLevelEntities: {
			1: {
				id: 1, 
				secondLevelEntities: {
					999: {
						id: 999,
						_metadata: {
							isFetching: false,
							hasError: false,
							fetchedAt: '2017-05-23T20:38:11.103Z'
					_metadata: {
						isFetching: false,
						hasError: false,
						fetchedAt: '2017-05-23T20:38:11.103Z'

Stores item in object as key/value pairs in store at topLevelEntities.1.secondLevelEntities

GET item


	type: netActions.DATA_REQUESTED,
	modelName: 'topLevelEntities.secondLevelEntities',
	pathParams: [1, 999]

request generated

GET https://myapp.com/api/topLevelEntities/1/secondLevelEntities/999

resulting redux
Updates item in store at topLevelEntities.1.secondLevelEntities.999

POST item


	type: netActions.DATA_REQUESTED,
	modelName: 'topLevelEntities.secondLevelEntities',
	pathParams: [1],
	method: 'POST',
	body: {
		name: 'entity name'

request generated

Content-Type: application/json
POST https://myapp.com/api/topLevelEntities/1/secondLevelEntities
{"name": "entity name"}

resulting redux
Adds item in store at topLevelEntities.1.secondLevelEntities under the return object's id

During the request, status is stored in topLevelEntities.1.secondLevelEntities under a guid key, which can be provided in the action for tracking

PATCH item


	type: netActions.DATA_REQUESTED,
	modelName: 'topLevelEntities.secondLevelEntities',
	method: 'PATCH'
	pathParams: [1, 999],
	body: {
		op: 'replace',
		path: 'Name',
		value: 'updated group name'

request generated

Content-Type: application/json
PATCH https://myapp.com/api/topLevelEntities/1/secondLevelEntities/999
{"op": "replace", "path": "Name", "value": "updated group name"}

resulting redux
Updates item in store at topLevelEntities.1.secondLevelEntities.999

See http://jsonpatch.com/



	type: netActions.DATA_REQUESTED,
	modelName: 'topLevelEntities.secondLevelEntities',
	method: 'DELETE'
	pathParams: [1, 999]

request generated

DELETE https://myapp.com/api/topLevelEntities/1/secondLevelEntities/999

resulting redux
Removes item in store at topLevelEntities.1.secondLevelEntities.999


During development of this library, you can clone this project and use

yarn link

to make the module available to another project's node_modules on the same computer without having to publish to a repo and pull to the other project. In the other folder, you can use

yarn link studiokit-net-js

to add studiokit-foo-js to the consuming project's node_modules


Because this is a module, the source has to be transpiled to ES5 since the consuming project won't transpile anything in node_modules

yarn build

will transpile everything in /src to /lib. /lib/index.js is the entry point indicated in package.json

During development, you can run

yarn build:watch

and babel will rebuild the /lib folder when any file in /src changes.

When you commit, a commit hook will automatically regenerate /lib


This packaged is deployed via the npm repository. Until we add commit hooks for deployment, it must be published via yarn publish