
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Create a release, upload release assets, and duplicate a release to other repository.

Reference from @actions/create-release @actions/upload-release-asset



  • GITHUB_TOKEN: Set secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN to env.GITHUB_TOKEN, Pay attention set a new secret token when create a release to other repository


  • tag_name: The name of the tag for this release


Parameter Description Default
release_name The name of the release null
body Text describing the contents of the tag null
body_path Path to file with information about the tag null
asset_files The path to the asset you want to upload null
draft Create a draft (unpublished) release false
prerelease Identify the release as a prerelease false
repo Repository on which to release. Used only if you want to create the release on another repo CurrOwner/CurrRepo


  • id: The release ID
  • html_url: The URL users can navigate to in order to view the release
  • upload_url: The URL for uploading assets to the release


  • Create release and upload assets

    • asset_files: Support file or directory, Upload files with depth 1 in the directory when using the directory
- name: Create Release With Asset
  id: Release-AIO
  uses: Hs1r1us/Release-AIO@v2.0.0
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    tag_name: ${{ github.ref }}
    asset_files: './asset_file'
  • Duplicate the latest Release of the current Repository to the target Repository
    • private_Repo => public_Repo
    • Use in private_Repo
    • A new token to access the target Repository
- name: Duplicate Release With Asset to public_Repo
  id: Release-AIO
  uses: Hs1r1us/Release-AIO@v2.0.0
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_TOKEN }} # You need a new token to access the target Repository
    tag_name: 'inherit' # Must use 'inherit' to get the latest release
    body: 'hello world' # Will be added in the new release
    repo: 'Hs1r1us/public_Repo' # The format is like owner/repo
    asset_files: './asset_file' # Will be added in the new release


  • Create a release
  • Upload release assets
  • Duplicate a release
  • Support archive assets