A community driven list of resources of interest to CS Educators.

To contribute, follow this contribution guide.

Table of Contents


Bits and BehaviourAndy Ko
Computer Science TeacherAlfred Thompson
C’est la ZMike Zamansky
Geeky Mom BlogLaura Blankenship
Coding in Math ClassDawn DuPriest
Computing Education BlogMark Guzdial
Garth’s CS Education BlogGarth Flint

Groups and Communities


Mailing Lists


Important sites that defy categorization

code.orgonline ide, curricula, outreach materials and more
CS For All in SFcurricula, resources, research and more

Online tools and IDEs


CodeHSMulti language support, classroom support, curriculum and online community
CodestersPython REPL with curriculum and online community
Repl.itMulti language support and classroom support

Online problem sites

Coding BatPython and Java, classroom grading support and make your own questions
CodeHSPython, Java, JavaScript, classroom grading support and make your own questions and graders, with shared repository of teacher created problems
code step by step

Curricula and support services

CodeHS6-12 Curriculum (JS, Python, AP Java, AP CSP and more), curriculum tools, PD, and classroom management tools and resources
TEALSPartner with a Software Engineer to bring CS to your school
CodestersPython based tools and curricula
BootstrapworldFunctional programming either standalone CS or integrated into other subjects

Interesting talks / presentations / videos etc.

(inclusion in this section does not imply endorsement views by the curators of this site but all listed links are considered worth a visit)

Topic and Language Specific

  • Awesome - a list of awesome lists
  • Awesome CS - many Awesome CS topic and language links