
Exercises for GEOG 410/510

Primary LanguagePython

GEOG 4/510 Exercises

for GEOG 4/510 winter term 2015 at Portland State University


The exercises contained in this repo are designed to provide students with an example of properly structured code solving different problems and scenarios while simultaneously testing each student's python comprehension. Each exercise consists of a sample script in PDF image format. That is, the code is not text, which can be selected and copied, but is an image. This particular formatting is designed to prevent students from taking the copy/paste shortcut when completing their exercises.

Instead, each student must type out the python code shown in the example PDF into a .py file for submission. The act of typing, as opposed to copying and pasting, helps to cement the programming structures in the students' minds.

Another feature of the exercises is that all proper code documentation is missing, from comments to variable names. So, while typing in the example code, each student must also add in all the missing comments and change all the variable, function, and constant names.

All of the exercises are supplied with sample data that can be used to test the operation of the scripts and help students understand what each part of the code does.

Submitting The Exercises

All submissions can be emailed to the instructor with the subject GEOG410: Exercise # Submision, substituting # with the exercise number. In the case of single .py submissions, simply attach the python script to the email. If multiple file are to be submitted, please zip them together into a .zip file. Please name any submitted python files or zipfiles with the format LastnameFirstname_Exercise#, where again # is the exercise number.