
Intro to Sass, Basic Reuse [css,sass]

Primary LanguageCSSCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Flexbox & Sass

CSS can be a pain. In today's lesson, we will talk about two tools -- Flexbox and Sass -- that will make the styling process a little less stressful.

This lesson is broken down into two parts:

  1. Flexbox
  2. Sass

Learning Objectives


  • Give an example of a problem solved by Flexbox.
  • Given a desktop-first webpage, make it look presentable on mobile devices (and vice-versa) with as little CSS as possible.
  • Contrast flex containers and flex items.
  • Draw a diagram that includes: flex container, flex item, main and cross-axes, starts and ends for all axes, and main and cross-sizes.
  • Contrast align-items and align-self.
  • Explain what is meant by the "Holy Grail Layout".


  • Be able to explain what Sass is and why it's used.
  • Use variables to make code more flexible.
  • Understand how to use nesting to help DRY up selectors and properties.
  • Differentiate between @extend, @import, @mixin & @include and @function.