
Cheatsheet of commands for triaging a Linux system - pull requests welcome


Check Users:

cat /etc/shadow
cat etc/passwd

Check Open Connections:

netstat -natp (display all,address port,offload state,proto)
netstat -la | grep “LISTEN” “ESTABLISHED” lsof -i -P

Check last user:

cat /var/log/secure* |grep ssh |grep Accept
cat /var/log/secure* |grep ftp |grep Accept

Process List:

ps -elf
ps auxf
ls /proc/*/exe -la
you can use strings and pipe into less for proc

Bash History:

cat .bash_history
su then history

Modified Files:

find / -mtime -o -ctime -5

Check rootkit

sudo chkrootkit (sudo apt install chkrootkit)


cd /var/log
cat syslog | less
cat auth.log | less (/var/log/secure if on CentOS/Redhat. user auth logs are stored here)
cat maillog | less
cat boot.log | less (bootup messages)
cat kern | less (/var/log/kern.log - Kernel logs)
cat dmesg | less
cat faillog | less
cat cron | less
cat httpd | less ( web server)
cat mysqld.log | less
cat /var/log/messages (generic messages)
cat /var/log/faillog - (or /btmp -failed logon attempts )
cat /var/log/yum.log (if yum is used to install packages)
cat /var/log/wtmp - login records
cat /var/log/ufw - firewall log
cat /var/log/dpkg.log - package log


crontab -l
ls -la /etc/cron.hourly
ls -la /etc/cron.daily


service --status-all | column

Check kernel matches OS:

uname -a

Check common files, see what doesn't belong:

ls /tmp -lab
ls /var/tmp -lab
ls /dev/shm -lab


journalctl -u networking.service
journalctl --since "2018-10-16 13:28"

Using netstat and PS together:

netstat -anp | grep ESTABLISHED | awk {'print $7}' | awk -F '/' {'print $1'} | uniq` ; do ps -eo pid,uid,ruser,etime | grep $i ; done

https://explainshell.com https://github.com/la3ar0v/TuxResponse https://github.com/FSecureLABS/LinuxCatScale