Rechanize is a simple RETS client. Rechanize provides an interface for querying metadata, data and objects. == Initialize The Client login = "" client = == Build A Search params = 'SearchType=Property&Class=Residential' format = '&Query=(LN=*),(RECODMODDATE=%s%s)' query = params + (format % [, '%2B']) == Get Some Datas client.get(query) do |listing| puts "$#{listing['LP'] ##{listing['LN']}" puts "#{listing['STRNUM']} #{listing['STR']}" puts "#{listing['CITY']} #{listing['ST']}" end == Build An Image Request params = 'Resource=Property&Type=Photo&Id=%s:%s' query = params % ["0", "*"] == Get Some Images client.get(query) do |index, headers, data| puts "Image #{index} is a #{headers['content-type']}" end TODO Finish testing TODO Class methods on Rechanize for parsing dates to and from RETS datetime strings TODO Test with a service other then MRED TODO Incorporate the visitor pattern to handle different protocol versions.