
Getting started with Python Managed VMs runtime

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Fortune Speak

Fortune Speak is a Python sample app for Managed VMs that synthesize and display a random fortune sound everytime you load the page.


It extends a traditional Python App Engine application with new functionalities that are unlocked by Managed VMs

  • Get more CPU and RAM by running your App Engine module on Google Compute Engine VMs
  • Escape the sandbox by writing to files and launching subprocess
  • Customize your runtime by installing third party packages
  • Call into native Python C extensions

Below is a tutorial that will guide you on how to build, run and deploy this application step by step.


During this step you will

  • create a new Managed VMs project
  • provision your local development environments
  • run the final application locally and deploy it to production

Create your project

  1. Go to Google Developers Console and create a new project.
  2. Enable billing
  3. Open https://preview.appengine.google.com/settings?&app_id=s~<project>
  4. Click Setup Google APIs project for VM Runtime...

Setup Docker

  1. Install boot2docker

  2. Setup and start boot2docker

     boot2docker init
     boot2docker up

Setup the Cloud SDK

  1. Get and install the SDK preview release
  2. Setup the Managed VMs components: gcloud components update appengine-managed-vms gcloud auth login gcloud set project docker pull gcr.io/google_appengine/python-compat

Run the application locally

  1. Get the application code

     git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/appengine-vm-fortunespeak-python
     cd appengine-vm-fortunespeak-python
     git fetch --all
  2. Run the application locally

     gcloud preview app run app.yaml
  3. After seeing a request to /_ah/start in the logs open http://localhost:8080

Deploy the application to your project

  1. Build and deploy the application image

     gcloud preview app deploy app.yaml --server preview.appengine.google.com
  2. After the command complete succesfully open https://<project>.appspot.com

Hello World!

During this step you will:

  • create a simple Python hello world application
  1. First switch to step0 branch

     git checkout step0
  2. Create a app.yaml file w/ the default App Engine configuration

  3. Create a main.py file using webapp2 w/ a RequestHandler that print hello: <Country the HTTP request is coming from>

  4. Run locally and deploy it to production.


  • Review the solution

  • Compare with your working directory

      git diff step1 -R
  • If stuck, stash your working directory and switch to the solution branch

      git stash
      git checkout step1

Hello Managed VMs

During this step you will:

  • enable Managed VMs in your application configuration
  • select a bigger instance class
  1. Modify app.yaml to add vm: true
  2. Modify app.yaml to select a bigger instance class
  3. Run locally
  4. Notice that a Dockerfile has been created in your application directory
  5. Deploy to production


  • Review the solution

  • Compare with your working directory

      git diff step2 -R
  • If stuck, stash your working directory and switch to the solution branch

      git stash
      git checkout step2

Escape the sandbox

During this step you will:

  • perform system operation: write to the local filesystem
  1. Modify main.py to log the greetings to a file called 'messages.txt'
  2. Modify main.py to add a new RequestHandler that display the content of this file.
  3. Run locally and deploy it to production


  • Review the solution

  • Compare with your working directory

      git diff step3 -R
  • If stuck, stash your working directory and switch to the solution branch

      git stash
      git checkout step3

Customize the Runtime Environment

During this step you will:

  • add native dependencies to your application with apt-get
  • perform system operattion: launch an external process
  1. Modify Dockerfile to RUN apt-get install -y fortunes
  2. Modify main.py to launch /usr/games/fortunes with the subprocess module in the main RequestHandler, capture the standard output and display it back in the response.
  3. Run it locally and deploy to production


  • Review the solution

  • Compare with your working directory

      git diff step4 -R
  • If stuck, stash your working directory and switch to the solution branch

      git stash
      git checkout step4

Manage Python dependencies

During this step you will:

  • managed your application dependencies with pip and requirements.txt
  • rewrite your web application handler using a modern python framework Flask
  1. Create a requirements.txt with Flask listed as a dependency
  2. Modify Dockerfile to RUN pip install -r requirements.txt -t .
  3. Edit main.py to use flask.route instead of webapp2.RequestHandler
  4. Run it locally and deploy to production


  • Review the solution

  • Compare with your working directory

      git diff step5 -R
  • If stuck, stash your working directory and switch to the solution branch

      git stash
      git checkout step5

Use Python C extensions

During this step you will:

  • add pyttsx C extensions as a dependency of your application
  • call into native code to perform text to speech.
  1. Modify requirements.txt to list pyttsx as a depdency

  2. Copy the file synth.py from the master branch

     git checkout master synth.py
  3. Call synth.Say from you main request handler and return the wavform data with the audio-x/wav content type

  4. Run it locally and deploy to production


  • Review the solution

  • Compare with your working directory

      git diff step6 -R
  • If stuck, stash your working directory and switch to the solution branch

      git stash
      git checkout step6