
Composable hooks and components to build the future of finance. 🚀

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Conventional Commits JavaScript Style Guide code style: prettier TypeScript>=4

react-terra logo

⚠️Warning! This library is in a highly experimental state. It is not currently recommended for production use.

Furthermore, react-terra has not been updated for Terra 2.0 and is currently in broken state due to outdated dependencies.

However, contributions are welcome and encouraged 🚀⚠️

👉 Visit react-terra.dev for full docs


[Hooks only at the moment. Component library coming soon]

  yarn add @react-terra/hooks @terra-money/terra.js 
  @terra-money/wallet-provider rxjs

Follow the instructions from https://github.com/terra-money/wallet-provider to wrap your app in the wallet provider:

import {
} from '@terra-money/wallet-provider';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

// getChainOptions(): Promise<{ defaultNetwork, walletConnectChainIds }>
getChainOptions().then((chainOptions) => {
    <WalletProvider {...chainOptions}>
      <YOUR_APP />

Run in Dev Mode

n.b. you need to have the Terra Station extension for Chrome/Brave installed, along with a wallet address.

  • From the root directory, run yarn

  • In a terminal window, run the following command:

    yarn start:hooks

  • Then, in a second terminal:

    cd into example;

    Run the following command:

    yarn start