
Kaggle Human Protein Atlas Image Classification 73th solution

Primary LanguagePython

Human Protein Atlas Image Classification

73th solution for kaggle Human Protein Atlas Image Classification by pytorch 1.0


unzip data.zip under tools/kaggle, download and put train/test pictures in tools/kaggle/train and tools/kaggle/test

Dataset Preprocessing

See tools/preprocessing.py.

  1. combine_dataset for combining train with external data
  2. train_test_split to split train and valid dataset while keeping class distribution using Multilabel Stratification
  3. create_class_weight to assign weights for each class for weighted BCE loss
  4. create_sample_weight to assign each sample to balancing occurences of each class (linearly)
  5. calc_statistics: calculate std and mean for datasets


using config-based system. to train model

python3 train_net.py --config-file config/res18_cv0.yaml

model will be dumped into dump/res18_cv0 folder


python3 test_net.py --config-file config/res18_cv0.yaml

Evaluation & summission

python3 evaluation.py --config-file config/res18_cv0.yaml

Other Useful tools

  1. TTA: edit build_tta_transforms to insert wanted tta and set TTA to 'on'
  2. macro f1 loss